problems with getting the digital image in color (out of a VHS converison)

caladona ha scritto il 22.01.2009 ore 16:16
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I am using Grabster Terratec AV 150. With Magix software with activation to expand utilities.
I use am using s-Video connection from VCR to Grabster, and then USB from Grabster to PC.
No way to get the image with colors as the original. Just Black and White.



nealeh ha scritto il 02.02.2009 ore 18:12
I have the same problem using a scart to s-video connector. I suspect that only a device with a 'proper' S-Video Out will work.

Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children.
tetenlair ha scritto il 25.03.2009 ore 22:28
I have  an other but bigger problem: my VHS is not recognize. Whit the SCART to the GRABBER.

How to do?