Spirit of the Water

TrishM ha scritto il 13.10.2017 ore 08:17

This song was introduced to me by my good friend Travis. I was not familiar with the group "Camel" but now I listen to their music a lot. I sent Travis a piano part and he added his tin whistle and his voice to make the song come alive for me and I hope for you too. It has a haunting melody that is really beautiful and I thank Travis for introducing this music to me. Thanks, Chipmunk........


Vecchio utente ha scritto il 13.10.2017 ore 10:30

Hi Trish,
congratulations, a song I heard with great pleasure, delicate and engaging sound.
Your piano, and Trevis voice are perfectly tied up and are protagonists for the whole track.
I think it's a highly professional job and worthy of great success.
A big hello.

francis-b30 ha scritto il 13.10.2017 ore 12:41

franco-galateo ha scritto il 13.10.2017 ore 14:34

Firstly, well back in the community .. I had not seen you for a long time ...........
as far as the track is concerned .. I would have a split between the musical part and that cantated ..........
the music is of great quality to you .. you are and remain a true musician .. whatever you do .. well you know how much I appreciate you ..
the sung interpretation is to be a subleme .. i do not know the singer .. i think i be very good .. and in this case i heavily entered the musical base ...
if you know him even if he does not count .. I hate my compliments .....................
The track has strongly involved me ............................................ ...............


Nickillus ha scritto il 13.10.2017 ore 15:03

Yep - I had four or five Camel albums back in the day. Mellow, progressive magic. This great collaboration has done their memory proud, Trish. You have melded your particular strengths together wonderfully. Your ever elegantly performed keys with Travis' super vocals and whistle - just great stuff. Superb effort. Definitely a rich seam worth mining again, if you two feel so inclined . . . ?


siggi_s ha scritto il 13.10.2017 ore 22:02

Hey, sehr schön dieses zu hören.

Grüße und auch Lob an Travis

LG siggi

Hey, very nice to hear this.
Greetings and also praise to Travis
LG Siggi



dubois-serge ha scritto il 13.10.2017 ore 22:35

Bonne introduction et de mélodie, pour une écoute agréable. très bon travail.


SpriteBat ha scritto il 14.10.2017 ore 03:22

Wonderful, Trish. Thanks for giving me such a great piano track to work with, and for running with the idea in the first place. All I did was mention the song and you learned it and played it beautifully. One talented chipmunk you are. We're the chipmunks now? I guess so.

Vecchio utente ha scritto il 14.10.2017 ore 04:05

Very good from the beginning, everything fits very well.
The male voice is very clean and very well recorded.

it would have been very good to hear the chorus in that male voice.
Congratulations to the singer and the musician.

fpescobedo ha scritto il 14.10.2017 ore 16:40

Great performance by the both of you!!! Kind of a coincidence, I have the "Snow Goose" record by Camel and just listened to it the other day.

TrishM ha scritto il 14.10.2017 ore 18:06

That is a coincidence! I read a comment written by somebody that they liked Camel and Caravan. I can't remember who it was. Maybe YOU? I have a Caravan album "Land of the Gray and Pink". Also the band Gypsy. I think they're all similar. Do you know Caravan and Gypsy?

Cosmozentriker ha scritto il 15.10.2017 ore 10:37

LG Paul

RNG1971 ha scritto il 16.10.2017 ore 01:14

Excellent as usual. Scale of 1 thru 10....."11".



Jinty ha scritto il 18.10.2017 ore 15:41

Hello Trish,

It's a beautiful track, I love it, kudos to Travis and yourself!!!!!

All the best,


OldMansProject ha scritto il 18.10.2017 ore 15:44

Hey Trish!!!

Excellent song!!!👌👍👍👍👍👍

Holly 😎

stuallan ha scritto il 18.10.2017 ore 18:55

Hi Trish,

Hauntingly beautiful to say the least! The elegant melody is magnificently accentuated by the soft strings.

The vocals are absolutely perfect, the harmonies remind me of Simon and Garfunkel. Loved the tin whistle.

Trish, you always delight either solo or in collaboration but you may have outdone yourself with this gorgeous song!

Loved every minute of it!



gilito ha scritto il 13.11.2017 ore 22:27

Camel is very cool. Your music is very beautiful it has a lovely melody congrats I loved it
stay cool

Pat_02 ha scritto il 21.11.2017 ore 17:42

Bonjour Trish,

je viens d'écouter cette très belle musique jouée à la perfection, et le chant de Travis, bravo !!!

C'est un très bon et beau travail en collaboration.

Pour le reste, je pense que tout a été dit et je suis d'accord avec tout ce qui a été dit par tous vos auditeurs qui m'ont précédé, lol !

Par contre, j'ai une demande à vous faire comme celle que j'ai fait à mon ami "Stuallan" c'est : de m'inviter à écouter vos musiques, car j'ai peu de temps et cela m'oblige à aller sur les profils de mes amis pour voir s'ils ont mis en ligne de nouvelles musiques et comme cela , ça m'incite à les écouter en arrêtant ce que je fais car souvent quand je suis sur quelque chose, notamment sur une composition, j'ai du mal à abandonner mon travail provisoirement, lol ! et donc faire une pose.

(Une petite remarque quand même, concernant la flûte de Travis : par endroit, et notamment au tout début, je trouve le son de cette flûte trop :"perçant" surtout que vous jouez en même temps au piano à une octave élevée également, donc ces deux fréquence élevées s'additionnent en quelque sorte et résonnent trop et dans mes écouteurs cela crée une fréquence de résonance assez désagréable.)

Mais bon, ce n'est qu'une remarque, et pour le reste, c'est vraiment une très belle musique et chanson dont on ne pourrait se lasser tellement c'est beau.


Salutations amicales.


Huck ha scritto il 20.05.2019 ore 16:16

gerne gehört