Spirit Chaser

stuallan ha scritto il 17.12.2015 ore 05:38
Titolo: Spirit Chaser
Artista: Stumuzik

Our newly elected Prime Minister is reaching out to our Indigenous People in an effort to right some past wrongs and to resolve current issues involving missing and murdered Aboriginal women unresolved for far too long.

I admire his courage in puttingn this issue in the forefront of Canadian politics.

Without political affiliation, I submit this song in pure admiration for a proud People who knew how to live with and manage the land with a view to the future and not for profit.

Sample from "The Welcome Song" (traditional) by Kenneth Little Hawk from the albumn "In A Very Real Way, Native American Stories and Music".


Unsere neu gewählte Premierminister erreicht heraus , um unsere indigenen Völker in dem Bemühen, einige vergangenes Unrecht rechts und auf aktuelle Fragen im Zusammenhang mit fehlenden und ermordet Aboriginal Frauen ungelöste viel zu lange zu lösen.

Ich bewundere seinen Mut in puttingn diesem Thema in der Spitze der kanadischen Politik.

Ohne politische Zugehörigkeit , lege ich das Lied in reiner Bewunderung für ein stolzes Volk , die , wie man mit leben und das Land im Hinblick auf die Zukunft und nicht für Profit zu verwalten kannte.

Probe von "The Welcome Song" ( traditionelle ) von Kenneth Kleiner Falke vom albumn " In eine sehr reale Weise , Native American Geschichten und Musik" .

Il nostro primo ministro neo-eletto è raggiungere i nostri popoli indigeni , nel tentativo di raddrizzare alcuni errori del passato e per risolvere i problemi attuali che coinvolgono donne aborigene assassinate irrisolti per troppo tempo mancante e .

Ammiro il suo coraggio in puttingn questo problema in prima linea nella politica canadese .

Senza appartenenza politica , a mio avviso questa canzone in pura ammirazione per fieri persone che hanno saputo vivere con e gestire il territorio in vista del futuro e non a scopo di lucro .

Esempio da "La canzone Welcome" ( tradizionale ) di Kenneth Piccolo Falco dalla albumn " In un modo molto


Nuestro primer ministro recién elegido está llegando a nuestros pueblos indígenas , en un esfuerzo para corregir algunos errores del pasado y para resolver los problemas actuales relacionados con desaparecidos y las mujeres aborígenes asesinados sin resolver desde hace demasiado tiempo .

Admiro su coraje en puttingn esta cuestión en la vanguardia de la política canadiense .

Sin afiliación política , presento la canción admiración pura para un orgulloso personas que sabían cómo vivir con y manejar la tierra con miras al futuro y no para el beneficio .

Muestra de "La canción de bienvenida" ( tradicional ) por Kenneth Pequeño Halcón de la albumn " de una manera muy real, historias de nativos americanos y de la Música " .


Notre premier ministre nouvellement élu tend la main à nos populations autochtones dans le but de corriger certaines erreurs du passé et à résoudre les problèmes actuels impliquant des femmes autochtones disparues et assassinées en suspens depuis trop longtemps .

Je admire son courage à puttingn cette question au premier plan de la politique canadienne .

Sans affiliation politique , je soumets cette chanson en pure admiration pour un peuple fier qui savaient comment vivre avec et de gérer le pays en vue de l'avenir et non pour le profit.

Echantillon de " La chanson de bienvenue " ( traditionnelle ) par Kenneth Petit faucon de la albumn " d'une manière très réel, Histoires amérindiennes et de la musique " .


Vecchio utente ha scritto il 17.12.2015 ore 08:02

Hi Stu:

Now, this is more like it, my friend.  What a wonderful work you have presented here.  A warm tribute and recognition of a proud and resilient people.  The Indigenous population of Canada certainly have a true friend in the person of Prime Minister Trudeau.  As in the tradition of his father, he has shown a sincere concern for the civil and human rights of people.

This song captures the essence and spirit of the theme in a very magnetic way.

Well done, indeed!



HellRaiser ha scritto il 17.12.2015 ore 12:58

Habe ich richtig gezählt - FÜNF Sprachen?! Da kann ich nicht mithalten.

Ja, leider haben Naturvölker kaum eine Chance in der heutigen Zeit, die von Industrie und Profit geprägt ist. Meines Wissens hatten indianische Völker keine Begriffe für "Umwelt". Weil die Welt sich nicht um uns herum befindet, sondern wir ein Teil der Welt sind. Weil wir mittendrin leben. Die Natur kann ohne uns existieren, aber wir nicht ohne die Natur. Die Zukunft wird zeigen, ob der Gipfel in Paris tatsächlich etwas bewirkt hat.

Deine Ethno-Musik ist angenehm und sehr schön gemacht *****

Talan ha scritto il 17.12.2015 ore 16:50

Nun ich war heute jedenfalls im T-Shirt spazieren und habe dabei geschwitzt .

Ja, die indigenen Völker, die hatten die Weisheit, nach der wir immer so verzweifelt suchen. Wichtiges Thema, musikalisch sehr gut umgesetzt. Toller Song.

Frantzi ha scritto il 17.12.2015 ore 22:52

We are all: "prud people"...
tell me, how tge "people" can come together without any ....
Like your Music and yuor interest for those people...but talk withe the world...

Picnicboy ha scritto il 17.12.2015 ore 23:37


Oder in Lakota: Hau. Lila tanyan wancin yanke.

                                      Tokeske yaun he?

Für einen Titel im Sinne der Ureinwohner Nordamerikas ein schöner Titel.

Allerdings fehlt die Flöte.

Sonst sehr treffend.

Schönes Stück.

Vielleicht noch was mehr in´s Detail gehn und originale Stücke von denen anhören vorher.

Is jetz echt keine Kritik an sich, mehr ein Tipp.

Daher ma ein Link zu nem Lakota-Schlaflied:

Lakota sind uns eher bekannt als Sioux, gesprochen Su. Kommt aus dem französischen und bedeutet SCHLANGENMENSCHEN! Also eine Beleidigung.

Die Rhythmik is ma ok, allerdings fehlt noch etwas an Spirit, vor allem die Flöte. Und Intensität.

Aber´n toller Titel isses auf jeden Fall.

Weiter so.

Toksa ake. (Bis später)


Nickillus ha scritto il 18.12.2015 ore 01:41

Great track, and a very worthy sentiment, Stuallan.  Very nicely handled all round.


Beamish-Spartano ha scritto il 18.12.2015 ore 13:54

Hallo Stu,

wie Gesagt es ist eine Sehr schöne relaxe Musik,

dasandere habe ich dir Privat geschrieben,

Lg, von Joachim

Modificato l'ultima volta da Beamish-Spartano il 18.12.2015, 13:54, Modificato in totale 1-volte.

Hallo Musikfreunde,  jeder hat mal Probleme mit das Abmischen seine Musik der eine weniger als der Andere, ich Biete euch an für ein Kleine Betrag, das Abmischen eure Musik zu Übernehmen, bei Interesse bitte Hier oder in mein Solo Profil Anmelden, Alles andere werde ich euch bei Interesse Informieren, herzlichen Gruß Spartano!  

TrishM ha scritto il 18.12.2015 ore 14:12

hi Stu

I have been without a computer for a week or so and now that I can access this site, I cannot hear anything so my sound is ot working correctly.  It is not working at all!  I will come back and listen as soon as I can. Sorry


Vecchio utente ha scritto il 19.12.2015 ore 10:18

human message without doubt very important and strong
the music is very good and I would say fits the message you want to convey.
percussion very delicate, and in tribal style. track flows very smoothly and in a peaceful atmosphere. the atmosphere is very refined.
the use of loop Magix and simply wonderful.
I have heard many of your songs but I consider this a real work of art.
is complete in every detail, the arrangement is perfect and then I love this kind of music that is a cross between the world music to and the new age.
compliments magnificent job
I take this opportunity to hand you my most sincere wishes for happy holidays


Maboe ha scritto il 19.12.2015 ore 11:49

The indigenous people are paragons for a life in peace with nature. We have to learn!

Thanks a lot for this wonderful musical experience, I love it.


tgfmusica ha scritto il 21.12.2015 ore 16:42

Brano molto bello e che tocca un problema molto importante, veramente ben fatto, complimenti, 5*,  da tgfmusica, Gianfranco, ciao

TrishM ha scritto il 23.12.2015 ore 05:28

Phew! Stu.

Finally, I got here!  I couldn't get anywhere clicking on the link you sent. I had to go through my contacts, to your media to here.  And THAT took about 10 minutes!  Something ain't right.  Anyway, I hear it's worth the detour.  '

The first thing that struck my ears was the sound!  Great, penetrating sounds that reveberates through my whole body.

I really like this kind of music.  I think it's relaxing even though there's a heavy drum beat. 

As far as the politics behind this song, I think it's very admirable of you and yes, your Prime minister has good priorities.  I wish I could say the same for American politics (if it can even be called politics and not just stupidity!) 


AtomicFusion ha scritto il 23.12.2015 ore 19:59

Hi Stu,
again a very nice track of you. Very soulful and dreamy ..... something I like always.
5 * my friend
I wish a Merry Christmas ... and stay healthy;-)


nafets. ha scritto il 24.12.2015 ore 08:38

interessanter soundtrack,spannend und die indiana-gesänge klasse,solche hab ich auch mal gebraucht,gesucht und nichts gefunden !

die übergänge an den ein oder anderen stellen hätte man gut etwas mit effekten belegen können.

aber ansonsten eine sehr gelungene arbeit !

frohe weihnacht Stuart !


gospelbj1 ha scritto il 24.12.2015 ore 16:31

Hi Stu,

This song is amazing.  I fell in love with it from the first note.  Being part Native American myself, I appreciate the sentiment represented in this song.  Very heartfelt and emotional. 

I'm speechless...your cover picture alone speaks mountains!  Thank you for sharing this wonderfully amazing song.  This for sure goes into my faves.

Merry Christmas my friend!

Vecchio utente ha scritto il 24.12.2015 ore 18:08

human message without doubt very important and strong
the music is very good and I would say fits the message you want to convey.
percussion very delicate, and in tribal style. track flows very smoothly and in a peaceful atmosphere. the atmosphere is very refined.
the use of loop Magix and simply wonderful.
I have heard many of your songs but I consider this a real work of art.
is complete in every detail, the arrangement is perfect and then I love this kind of music that is a cross between the world music to and the new age.
compliments magnificent job
I take this opportunity to hand you my most sincere wishes for happy holidays

franco e sandro ( frasangalaglav)

JuanIsidoro ha scritto il 25.12.2015 ore 09:13

Hi Stuart
my respect for the Prime Minister for his good work ....

good musicMerry Christmas

Modificato l'ultima volta da JuanIsidoro il 25.12.2015, 09:13, Modificato in totale 1-volte.


Me llamo Juan Isidoro. Soy de Sevilla al sur de España.Trabajo en un camion y hago musica por placer.

Espero que os guste.

My name is juan Isidoro. I’m from Seville in southern Spain.
Working a truck and do music for pleasure.I hope you like.



Farstom ha scritto il 25.12.2015 ore 20:09

nice idea

nice werk

nice cover

nice chill

nice music

Modificato l'ultima volta da Farstom il 25.12.2015, 20:09, Modificato in totale 1-volte.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something



NotQuiet ha scritto il 25.12.2015 ore 22:22

Very beautiful and soulful track. Fine work!

Best regards,
NotQuiet :-)

NoMagic ha scritto il 26.12.2015 ore 04:51

Hi Stuallan

Nice Song

But if you think politician think any thing eles beside the money, then you have to think it over.

MuggeMaker ha scritto il 27.12.2015 ore 15:53

Very relaxed, i like this.

WtraatW ha scritto il 27.12.2015 ore 23:33

Bonsoir Stu  !

Bon , je vais partir en Canada  , ce que j'ai lu ce que tu as écrit ... France nulle  ..... !

Plus sérieux , très bonne mélodie + les choeurs masculins ! Superbe chanson 

Bravo et à bientôt 

ps : bons réveillons ??  

Cordial André

gerrycix ha scritto il 28.12.2015 ore 22:55

Hello Stuart ,

Nice track  and excellent atmosphere !

I like it ....my friend !

All the best 2016 !



perkinskia8 ha scritto il 31.12.2015 ore 16:19

Nice !!!!!!