Franco Galateo e Sandro Glavina , il coro di Brajavost e tutti gli amici che partecipano al progetto MITS ( Musica Interattiva Totale Sperimentale) augurano Buon Natale e Felice Anno nuovo a tutti gli amici della comunity di Magix
Franco Galateo and Sandro Glavina, the Brajavost choir and all the friends participating in the project MITS (Total Experimental Interactive Music) wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all friends of the Magix community
Franco Galateo et Sandro Glavina, la chorale Brajavost et tous les amis participant au projet MITS (Total Experimental Interactive Music) souhaite un Joyeux Noël et une Bonne Année à tous les amis de la communauté Magix
Franco Galateo und Sandro Glavina, der Brajavost-Chor und alle am Projekt beteiligten Freunde MITS (Total Experimental Interactive Music) wünscht allen Freunden der Magix-Community frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr
Franco Galateo y Sandro Glavina, el coro Brajavost y todos los amigos que participan en el proyecto MITS (Total Experimental Interactive Music) desea Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo a todos los amigos de la comunidad de Magix
Signed : Franco Galateo , Sandro Glavina , Gerrycix , FrasanGalaglav ,Irlo.dada.Project , Sw Project , Dade (Davide Gualtieri)TrishM ( Trish Marshall), Heuno , Nora Neumen Gil Rodan-Navas, Teo Falco Garan, Merlin Boy and Epic Pad , Tarma Mazada , Lunarman Nickillus, Officina Sperimentale Arte Musica , Frank and The Harley's Spirits , Mits Minds,I Discoli , Il Bivio , Aka Sayko & Goro Nagawa , Karin Endauud,Laboratorio di Ricerca Sonora Elettronica Contemporanea , Galasynah Sideral Hurchestra , The Muktagons
The piece is titled "E' il bel giorno" and is the opening piece of the Concert "OUR CCCP (Christmas Concert Creative Pop)"
For the entire listening to the Christmas Concert of the Brajavost Ensemble (duration thirty minutes - author Sandro Glavina) here is the link:
COVER ART BY : Sandro Glavina