Il quarantanovesimo album dei The Glagal è del gennaio 2023. Le musiche sono state ispirate da un racconto breve scritto da Sandro Glavina che qui potete leggere. Qui potete ascoltare il terzo brano (Alterzoyd) dell’album. Qui finisce l’antologia “Nahe Distanz” di Radio Mits – Bar Mits in cui sono stati presentati tutti i 49 album dei The Glagal, in attesa del cinquantesimo album.
Grazie a tutti per aver seguito le pubblicazioni in questi mesi
The forty-ninth album by The Glagal is from January 2023. The music was inspired by a science fiction micro-story written by Sandro Glavina which you can read here. Here you can listen to the third track titled “Alterzoyd” of the album. Here ends the anthology "Nahe Distanz" by Radio Mits and Bar Mits in which all 49 albums by The Glagal were presented, waiting for the fiftieth album.
thank you all for following the publications in these months
Das neunundvierzigste Album von The Glagal ist vom Januar 2023. Die Musik wurde von einer Science-Fiction-Mikrogeschichte von Sandro Glavina inspiriert, die Sie hier lesen können. Hier können Sie den dritter Lied (Alterzoyd) des Albums hören. Hier endet die Anthologie “Nahe Distanz” von Radio Mits und Bar Mits, in der alle 49 Alben von The Glagal vorgestellt wurden, und wartet auf den Fünfzigsten album.
Ich danke Ihnen allen, dass Sie die Veröffentlichungen in diesen Monaten verfolgt haben