The file C\Users\Public\Documents\Magix_ Music_ Maker_16_
Premium\Basic_16Hardstyle Vol.1\Drums\Aggroface A/OGG 'has
been deleted or moved and cannot be used?
In this Pdf I will explain how to solve this problem.
Hi. Not that message, but the following when draggging and dropping one of the 2 guitar samples....
The file format of C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX_Music_Maker_16\Basics_16\Rock Alterantive Vol. 2\Guitar\CamperB 1.OGG cannot be read by MAGIX Music Maker.
Please ensure that that the affected drive is not full or write protected.
The C: drive is NOT full or write protected, as other samples e.g drums, keys etc. drag and drop fine.