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Registration & activation
How can I redeem my voucher?
Adding external VST plugins
License management
How can I register & activate my new software?
Software activation and offline usability
Ultimate Travel Package activation and content
Manage your account through " MAGIX Service Center"
Activating purchased content/features/editions in Music Maker
Error during software registration and activation
I lost my password! How can I retrieve it?
Installing a box version of the software without a CD/DVD drive
How can I upgrade my payment information?
Can't connect to license manager during network installation
Activation of editions purchased through the in-app Store
Change Newsletter settings
Activating Samplitude offline
Notification: "The maximum number of activations has been reached"
How can I register and activate my software?
PC Check & Tuning: Registration not possible
Login / Registration FXhome, NewBlueFX, proDAD, MotionStudios
Using HitFilm plugins on another PC
Error when registering SpectraLayers
I can't find my serial number. Where can I get help?
Simplitec subscription payment data changing
Unable to register SpectraLayers 4 Pro online
Domain transfer
Will my software licenses be affected by the switch to XARA?
Switch to the archive
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