Analog recording not possible


  • . ACID Pro
  • . Audio Cleaning Lab
  • . Mp3 Deluxe
  • . Music Maker
  • . Samplitude Music Studio
  • . SOUND FORGE Audio Studio
  • . Fastcut
  • . Retten Sie Ihre Videokassetten!
  • . Video deluxe
  • . Video easy
  • . Video Pro X
  • . Photostory Deluxe
  • . Photo Manager Deluxe
  • Show all products


  • . Technical problems / Error messages
  • . Import & export

Windows security updates may sometimes disable the following devices:

  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • MAGIX video converter / third-party capture cards

Check to make sure the new privacy settings are permitting programs to access the right recording devices.

  • To do this, open the Windows Settings ("Windows" key + I) and go to "Privacy".
  • Go to "Camera" and turn on "Allow apps to access your camera".
  • Then, go to "Microphone" and turn on "Allow apps to access your microphone".