
musicMD wrote on 2/14/2019, 12:18 PM

Very cool tune, sounding kinda jazzy and electric at the same time. Great guitar playing.... Is that a drawing of you?????

fetter339 wrote on 2/14/2019, 3:10 PM

Thanks Doc.

TrishM wrote on 2/15/2019, 6:06 PM

Hey Fetter.... A lot going on in this track. I just got to the ending. Cool vibe ending. I'm going to have to go listen to more of your music. I liked the jazz thing you had goin' on.


fetter339 wrote on 2/15/2019, 8:43 PM

Thanks FunKey... so glad that you enjoyed it!

jimitrane wrote on 2/17/2019, 7:08 PM

Sounds cool. It's like a rock version of going both directions at once....trane reference :)

fetter339 wrote on 2/17/2019, 7:11 PM

WOW - Alex - what a great surprise to see you here! Are you going to post some tunes?