The escape to peace

F.R.H. wrote on 11/13/2023, 12:06 AM
Tags: Music Maker artist

The escape to peace

To my friends and relatives in Ukraine. May peace come soon with the wish that the sun shines and everyone can live in peace with their loved ones.

Best regards: Denmark

Моїм друзям і родині в Україні. Нехай швидше настане мир з побажанням, щоб світило сонце і щоб кожен міг жити в мирі зі своїми близькими.

З найкращими побажаннями: Данія


franco-galateo wrote on 11/13/2023, 2:14 AM

good idea compositional..very well


Jochen-S wrote on 11/13/2023, 6:06 AM

Hello Finn,
very nice condolences from you ... We can only hope and pray that the two useless wars will finally stop ...
Best regards
Jochen ...

Alter-Falter wrote on 11/13/2023, 9:24 AM

... ... Надеюсь, что вместе с вами !

Bradford-Alan-Davidson wrote on 11/13/2023, 3:25 PM

Hope your friends and relatives are safe and secure....out of the combat areas. Very nice composition. Hope you are well.

cmartin wrote on 11/13/2023, 3:53 PM


Hört sich sehr gut an!!!👍

Zum hofft der Friede kehrt überall wieder ein!!!

Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!!!

Stimmen passen sehr gut rein!!!👌

Viele liebe Grüße Chris😊


Gregory-Owen-Thomas wrote on 11/14/2023, 7:33 AM

Yes, Hope for peace soon!