Save food use wisely

nihon94 wrote on 11/2/2011, 11:06 AM
Save food use wisely
Tags: Graphic design
Width: 450
Height: 600

I designed a poster "Save food use wisely"

People need to be aware of food situation in the world which is very bad.

Original poster is very large I reduced the size and hope quality will be fine,

Note: If possible copy the poster and forward it.

Thank you



maxcon62 wrote on 11/2/2011, 1:15 PM

Really good work !



DJrox wrote on 11/2/2011, 2:42 PM

I didn't know you to be also a good photographer and graphic...I do agree with you. !!

I'm embracing you .xx

Ciao, Ross.

Last changed by DJrox on 11/2/2011, 2:42 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Compongo musica ispiratami da semplici intuizioni, spesso corredata dal supporto vocale mio o di mia moglie Daniela, a seconda dei generi musicali, visto che spazio dal techno trance, alla disco, alle colonne sonore, all'easy listening, etc.

Grazie a tutti coloro che vorranno ascoltarmi.


DJrox wrote on 11/2/2011, 2:46 PM

My wife posted it on her own wall on FB  ( GEREMIA TENUTA ) and I placed it among my FAV.      CIAO !!!!!!!!!

Last changed by DJrox on 11/2/2011, 2:46 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Compongo musica ispiratami da semplici intuizioni, spesso corredata dal supporto vocale mio o di mia moglie Daniela, a seconda dei generi musicali, visto che spazio dal techno trance, alla disco, alle colonne sonore, all'easy listening, etc.

Grazie a tutti coloro che vorranno ascoltarmi.


Flansinnata wrote on 11/2/2011, 4:21 PM

Formidable frase y muy cierta

samp wrote on 11/2/2011, 4:26 PM

WELL ...... I really like your work! Really!!!

The colours and the idea is great - but badly enough I somehow get some funny ideas when I
look at the picture....

Safe food.... and there are five women and ONE man....

5 eat more than one.... or one eats as much as five women....

so safe food and stop women or safe food and stop men...

Or.... five women shout at this lonely man.... SAFE FOOD.....
Never mind...... this poster IS great!!!!


Lg samp


Frankie-Kay wrote on 11/7/2011, 3:19 PM

oh, interessante rechenbeispiele von samp unter mir... 

aber das thema ist schon sehr ernst und wichtig. schlimm, dass viele menschen auf der erde nach wie vor (ver)hungern... da kommen die politiker auf der welt nicht so in die gänge und zücken die millionen/milliarden wie bei der finanzkrise... 

und weitere hilfen, abseits vom geld, lassen wohl immer wieder auf sich warten...



Huck wrote on 11/8/2011, 5:11 AM


Eigentlich ist ja genug für alle da nur die Verteilung(der oberen Zehntausend) stimmt nicht.

Deinem Aufruf gefolgt an Freude weiter geleitet

Gruß Huck!

djbaua wrote on 11/8/2011, 6:15 AM

Save the world, cool poster

Former user wrote on 11/8/2011, 10:42 AM

Beaucoup de couleurs !!! Très belle affiche !!!*****

Bien amicalement


Barusse wrote on 11/8/2011, 11:53 AM

Très bon travail pour une noble cause !!!   *****

Félicitations et bon courage


Former user wrote on 11/8/2011, 12:20 PM




BERNARDPH wrote on 11/8/2011, 3:45 PM

good evening
Beautiful poster that reminds me of its membership in the titles Use Wisely and Save food (Horizontal and Vertical) to a very old poster or a landscape of snow melted there were a woman of color and the title was "I have a dream "
Your poster is beautiful in its construction and color.
The message is very well

seraphin wrote on 11/8/2011, 5:35 PM



OldMansProject wrote on 11/9/2011, 3:57 AM

Schönes Poster. Hat irgendwie etwas und gefällt.



B59fly wrote on 11/9/2011, 8:36 AM

Wonderful design and good idea 

Jokerface wrote on 11/9/2011, 2:07 PM

Einfach großartig.

Rana wrote on 11/12/2011, 4:02 AM

I sincerely appreciate your concern, in a recent research it is revealed that the scarcity of food in today's world is not much of an issue but it is actually the affordability which is the major cause behind food inaccessibility. Needless to mention retail chains and hyper markets are actually multiplying the problem.

I stnad with you on 'Wate noe want not' minset.

Excellent thought and represenation.

Particle wrote on 1/8/2012, 10:15 PM

This is gut.


Tokyotower wrote on 4/7/2012, 6:42 AM

This is also great.