
MrApplecake wrote on 5/1/2014, 2:28 PM

Hello Daniel, i deleted my kontact to you, because you create "videos" for little, little children. There are much to simple!!! I try to make music for adults. Sorry   Andreas

DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 5/1/2014, 2:40 PM

Hello Daniel, I deleted my contact to you, because you create "videos" for little, little children. There are much to simple!!! I try to make music for adults. Sorry   Andreas


Hello Andreas (AKA MrApplecake),

Too bad you removed contact.

Daniel Lyons

Former user wrote on 5/2/2014, 6:27 AM

Hi Daniel:

Do I look like Finto with the glasses?  I got a chuckle out of the picture...



DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 5/2/2014, 10:08 AM

Hi Griff:

Yes, you sure do look like Finto with the glasses. Me too.

Daniel Lyons