Pongo's Rescue

seaspine wrote on 2/8/2009, 5:39 AM
Width: 720
Height: 480
Duration: 09:40
Format: x-ms-asf
This was my first foray into animation. Looked simple but when it came to the animals singing to Us and Them, I had to frame by frame! Lots of scaps on the editing floor (my hard drive). Defragged 3 times! Still it only took 3 hours. Any suggestionas to how I can do it faster and better would be great. Certainly doens't measure up to the guy last year with the talking giraffe but this was my first. So you experts out there give me some hints! Yeah the title slide I drug out of Adobe Premier. All the editing was done in MEP 14 which I always use first.
Again this was done for education and an open forum as to animation techniques (academic) and therefore does not infringe on any copyright.


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