
IrisS. wrote on 3/15/2009, 3:56 PM
Top! Nur der Schluß paßt nicht, ansonsten
redisland wrote on 3/15/2009, 3:59 PM
echt gut
ArtistW wrote on 3/16/2009, 6:26 PM
Very good.

P.S. That you know Tesla. Was he not the man who got something to do with the magnetic fieldstrength?
P.S. 2: I looked it up in Wikipedia and you are right - he is undervalued. Thanks to him we have now the electricity as we know it (the basis of our modern society).
PaulHone wrote on 3/19/2009, 11:36 PM
Thank you for the Great comments, Due to my work schedule I am not able to get here as much as I would like, But every chance I get I come here,
Paul Hone