
Former user wrote on 3/18/2009, 1:42 PM
Why you named this "musical madman"? Explain this please!
It's a nice little melody. And it's harmless, not crazy or mad.
Pink_Cosmic wrote on 3/18/2009, 2:44 PM
Arranged Good sound and good selection.
All in all a very relaxed track!

Pink Cosmic
Former user wrote on 3/18/2009, 4:53 PM
That is good,....... but,.. who is you????

smartsmurf wrote on 3/19/2009, 7:56 AM
Una melodia molto malinconica...

Ma anche grandiosa !!! 
smartsmurf wrote on 3/19/2009, 8:04 AM
Oops, forgot to switch the language button...

Even though like skiron I can't connect the title with the track I like the track very much...

It's its simplicity that gets a grip on you. To me it's a trip into the past. Reminiscing about days of joy or pain, chances not taken, moments never to return...

P.S.: There are online translaters or dictionaries... So I hope your "English-Only-Comment" was only some kind of joke...

BUXE wrote on 3/19/2009, 12:59 PM

ComicHeld wrote on 3/19/2009, 1:19 PM
sehr gut gemacht,
wohltuende klänge, harmonisch beruhigend,
lehn dich zurück und lausche
Michel-Solo-Band wrote on 5/22/2009, 12:41 PM
I like this song to.

satoriea wrote on 7/22/2009, 6:14 AM
Nice piece. 5*
Deneu wrote on 12/7/2009, 4:07 AM
Salut living,
Tout le monde devient gentil après l'écoute !

DepartmentMinimal wrote on 1/12/2010, 6:02 PM
I do not point genuinly which I to it to say is…
The words are missing to me .......
… it is simply incomprehensibly like much feelings with this sound with me moves ..........
Fantastically .............
 greeting THREEKINGS
District-Handsom wrote on 1/12/2010, 8:44 PM
i love this song it cranks , im thinking of lyrics now