
Eccomania wrote on 4/11/2019, 5:37 PM

Ist nicht das was ich erwarte, wenn ich Hiphop lese - gefällt mir trotzdem. Statt Hall oder Echo würde ich die Stimme doppeln bzw. verdreifachen - also mehrfach rappen und übernanderlegen. Vielleicht hast du das auch gemacht und ich hab es bloss nicht mitbekommen 😜

Former user wrote on 4/11/2019, 6:45 PM

A great midi work J. nice rythmic with a great scratching voices on final


HellRaiser wrote on 4/11/2019, 9:13 PM

During the first minute I also thought "HipHop???" But then (1:04) the big surprise 😊 The drums ... later the vocs ... the scatching! Hey, this is funny music. Well done ❤️

Former user wrote on 4/11/2019, 10:07 PM

HI Jinty,

a hiphop or synthypop piece par exellence, to be honestly, it´s not exactly my kind of music, but i´m not deaf, so i can hear the well done Rythm ( a Groove strong and powerful 💪) in your Song, The Sound is good, too. Shortly said, you´ve done a good job.👍👍👍

Kind regards Bert



DJ_Wash-8aer. wrote on 4/12/2019, 12:05 AM

Jinty goes Rap, yeah!!! Funny Track!!!

Grrrrrrrrrreetings! WASH 🖖🐼

horst-d wrote on 4/12/2019, 4:56 AM

OK, he looks better than me, but maybe
he should move his ass?😂😂😂😇🙃

best regards  Horst😎😊👍❤️♪♪♪

ide wrote on 4/12/2019, 2:44 PM

i did enjoy it

Charlys-Music wrote on 4/13/2019, 2:33 AM

Toller Track. Ich liebe ihn. Guter Rhythmus. Habe ihn gerne gehört

musicMD wrote on 4/13/2019, 1:32 PM

Cool tune. It has a great groove. Very nice mix with the vocals, great rhythm to the music....