maybe this ones better

carpter1958 wrote on 12/2/2009, 2:31 PM
maybe this ones better
Width: 1543
Height: 2048
Who ever comented on the first photo,I guess didn't read the fact I am an amatuer with NO traiing in either art, photography or manipulations. I appreciate the critique though I will try to do beter. Taaaake a look at some of my new postings if you would .


smartsmurf wrote on 12/3/2009, 1:31 AM
"Who ever comented on the first photo..."
You're quite funny, ain't cha..? Of course I read all that and yes... I also read about you in your profile. And as I explicitely pointed out in my comment on your first pic... Don't take anything personal here. My comment shows my opinion only and hey... most of us are amateurs here. But good comments can help us to get better...


P.S.: much better !!!
carpter1958 wrote on 12/3/2009, 3:34 AM
I apologize for my rude response ,though its no excuse I was really sick and had to take a lot of powerful pain medication.
  I really do thank you for your insight and coments actually after taking a closer look I totally agree with you. Way to much and to busy it looks I dont know plastic maybe ? Too busy?
 I should know better even though I'm an amatuer I've done several thousand photos.  well I guess not all can be winners huh?

 Again thanks and I apologize for my crude  coments
carpter19582 wrote on 9/17/2014, 7:26 PM

This is a picture of my wife just thought I add she passed away on Maerch 1st 2013 of A terrifying reaction anyone can have from Tylenol.It's called Stephen-Johnsons syndrome.Please Google it or TENS medical condition so we can stop this horrifying afliction.See the pictures on some of the web sites I took some of my wife while she was in a coma but they are way too graphic to post here.

Thanks and God bless you and yours hold them tight and close they can be gone in the blink of an eye.