His Blood (Sein Blut)

Bradford-Alan-Davidson wrote on 2/28/2023, 11:25 AM
Tags: Chill out, Easy listening

There is only one great Truth in life. It is so obvious and simple that it defies comprehension.


His Blood was meant for you and me

His Blood was meant for you and me;

In this world of mystery;

In this darkness we perceive;

There is Hope for those who believe;

There is hope for those who see:

His Blood was meant for you and me

His Blood was meant for you and me;

In this world of mystery;

There is One Who can claim:

Prince of Peace, Holy Father;

They are One and the same.

His Blood was meant for you and me.

His Blood was meant for you and me.


We hope you are well and at Peace, Thank you for listening.



Es gibt nur eine große Wahrheit im Leben. Es ist so offensichtlich und einfach, dass es sich dem Verständnis entzieht.


Sein Blut war für dich und mich bestimmt

Sein Blut war für dich und mich bestimmt;

In dieser Welt des Mysteriums;

In dieser Finsternis nehmen wir wahr;

Es gibt Hoffnung für diejenigen, die glauben;

Es gibt Hoffnung für diejenigen, die sehen:

Sein Blut war für dich und mich bestimmt

Sein Blut war für dich und mich bestimmt;


In dieser Welt des Mysteriums;

Es gibt Einen, der behaupten kann:

Friedensfürst, Heiliger Vater;

Sie sind ein und dasselbe.

Sein Blut war für dich und mich bestimmt.

Sein Blut war für dich und mich bestimmt.

Wir hoffen, dass es Ihnen gut geht und Sie in Frieden sind, vielen Dank fürs Zuhören.



franco-galateo wrote on 2/28/2023, 1:36 PM

good track.. sound and vocal performance..exellent


Jochen-S wrote on 2/28/2023, 3:33 PM

Hello Brad,
excellent song with a beautiful voice of yours ... I hope you are well, my friend ...
Greetings and God bless you all ...

tohuwabohu323 wrote on 3/1/2023, 5:41 AM

Hey Brad, brilliant Song great Job and wunderfull Voice !!! I like it 😎 Greettings Christoph

SEA-K wrote on 3/1/2023, 12:54 PM

Good heavens Brad, your song is an absolutely wonderful vehicle to spread the Word. Your words remind us of the most important event in history, of an unparalleled love for us to be with Him., You have a beautiful voice.

Needless to say, you are blessed indeed. Good fortune for you and yours,

Your Friend, CHRIS

Your Cover Is Prophetic

Mark_MERIX wrote on 3/2/2023, 11:05 AM

German for Translator

Hallo Bradford.

Tolles Werk.
Tolle Stimme!!!! 💪💪💪👍

Herzchen oben. 💚

Gruß - Mark 😀😀😀😀

kreativ_music wrote on 3/2/2023, 12:34 PM

Klasse Werk 🙂👌👌👌✌️👍👏

Former user wrote on 3/3/2023, 4:14 AM

Hello Brad,

wow again... what a beautiful song with your great voice...Goosebumps guaranteed.. even more goosebumps if you use a little solo... for example a beautiful saxophone... your wonderful songs are predestined for it...but that's just a hint, no criticism... great as it is... a ❤️ goes up.

All the best...Bert

ITCHYPHOX wrote on 3/3/2023, 8:29 PM

So B-A-D its good haha. Yeah u guys never cease to amaze me. Much like the MusicMD u never know what ya gonna get when the play button get hit. Always surprised but never disappointed with your jams. The quality of the sounds & execution goes without saying but its that vocal that gives the track that lil bit of something special. I could listen to that voice all day. Thanks for the mellow vibe 🙂✌️

Kryo wrote on 3/4/2023, 5:08 PM

Beautiful song, enchanting vocal... God bless us!
