fetter339 wrote on 2/2/2019, 5:52 PM
Tags: Other

Evil Skippy - I'm sorry but I have a real problem with this tune. During this tunes creation many years ago, I had a beautiful Jack Russell Terrier named Charlie that would lay at my feet as I composed. We were very close and he would sleep in my bead and we would fall asleep listening to Charlie Parker CDs.

One day I happened to lose track of time and left work one hour early (I had never done this in 10 years). When I got home it was a beautiful spring day and it had just stopped raining. I opened to door to look outside and Charlie bolted out the door. The dog was way too high strung to leave outside without a leash. At any rate, he tried to ambush a passing car and was hit. I'll never forget the sound he made when he was hit. It was a terrible sound. I yelled for my daughter to help me get the dog back in the house but it was too late. We picked him up and when he came in he had no control of his rear legs. We rushed him to the vet but the x-rays indicated he was beyond repair.

One day when I was listening to Evil Skippy, I heard the same cry as when Charlie was hit by the car. I've never listened to it again. I did not listen to it as I uploaded it here at the MAGIX site.

I can't explain this and I'm sorry if it upset you. I am convinced that there is more power in sound and creative composition than man is currently aware of.

Use your headphones for maximum pleasure!


Former user wrote on 2/2/2019, 6:03 PM

wow fetter what a sad story,

What I feel through your guitar playing, a guilt that you carry with you since that day, it is perhaps the explanation my friend, but I can be wrong, in any case it is what I feel in listening to you

your friend


fetter339 wrote on 2/2/2019, 6:20 PM

Thanks GG.