DueDrone's (Version Exoté'Rhika)

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/25/2021, 3:40 AM
Tags: Dubstep, Punk, Ambient, Pop, Synthpop, Techno, Wave, Soundtrack, Other, Chill out

Se gostarem, favor deem o Like, senão, nem comentem pois não entendo nada mesmo de música estrangeira!!

If you like it, please give the Like, otherwise, don't even comment because I really don't understand anything about foreign music!!

😛😜😝😛😝😜☺️😱👍🙌💪 👎👇👇👇👇👇





Jochen-S wrote on 9/25/2021, 4:05 AM

Hi Paulo my friend,
great synthpop with interesting vocals😛😜😛😎🤓😇👍👌👍... Great made and glad to hear...
Many greetings and hugs,
Jochen ...

Siggi-M wrote on 9/25/2021, 4:39 AM

Hi Paulo, that sounds like necromancy, like dancing in a trance 😯😃.Very good 👌👺👻.


franco-galateo wrote on 9/25/2021, 5:17 AM

interesting idea compositional .. fusion musical exellent..very well


Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/25/2021, 5:34 AM

Hi Paulo, that sounds like necromancy, like dancing in a trance 😯😃.Very good 👌👺👻.


no no no no no... I didn't think about any of that when I made this track in 2019. But this one. @Siggi-M speak Sigeeeee

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/25/2021, 5:35 AM

interesting idea compositional .. fusion musical exellent..very well


Thank thank very cars thanks is the Music My Friend Franco @franco-galateo

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/25/2021, 5:35 AM

Hi Paulo my friend,
great synthpop with interesting vocals😛😜😛😎🤓😇👍👌👍... Great made and glad to hear...
Many greetings and hugs,
Jochen ...

Hello my Friend @Jochen-S hugs hugs hugs 😀🎸🎸🎸

Kryo wrote on 9/25/2021, 8:30 AM

scary... creepy... spooky... cool... good...


hildegard-beister wrote on 9/25/2021, 8:40 AM

Extraordinário,gótico e muito bom eu gosto 👍👍👍👍👍 ❤️

Mark_MERIX wrote on 9/25/2021, 9:44 AM

Moin Kreativer !!!!


Supergeiler Soundmix !!!! Gekauft.

Erinnert mich komplett an die kreativen 90-er, in der Indie groß war - experimentell, quer gedacht, muss nicht alles voll gestyled sein. Musik um der Musik Willen.

Stimme mega, da diese auch nicht immer 100 %ig passt. Das macht es für mich.

Übrigens ganz viel Klaus Schulze da drin. Highlight im Forum.

Demütiger Gruß --- Mark 😀

J.olly.way wrote on 9/25/2021, 3:38 PM

Hi Paulo what is there not to like you have a unique sound its so new with your vocals so good a superb arrangement musically I love it good on ya respect from olly

Sandro_Glavina_Channel wrote on 9/25/2021, 6:01 PM

very good - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





Talan wrote on 9/26/2021, 2:21 PM


Strong but painful sound. Sounds like you smoked something pretty bad the night before.

Greetings Peter

Paulo.Costa wrote on 9/26/2021, 6:22 PM


Strong but painful sound. Sounds like you smoked something pretty bad the night before.

Greetings Peter

Eu não sou fumante. Mas se voce quiser colocar umas cervejas geladas aí eu bebo com vontade. @Talan

HellRaiser wrote on 10/1/2021, 6:35 PM

Hey, this is special music again. I like extravagant things. This music is like a drug rush. Very well done, I definitely give it a ❤️

Paulo.Costa wrote on 10/1/2021, 9:00 PM

Hey, this is special music again. I like extravagant things. This music is like a drug rush. Very well done, I definitely give it a ❤️


Pat_02 wrote on 10/14/2021, 10:10 AM

É muito original e psicodélico como eu gosto, então comento, rs! de qualquer forma, você sabe muito bem que, em geral, com algumas exceções, gosto do que você faz. e aí, claro, gosto do violino tocado assim, entre outras, porque gosto de todas as outras faixas também, muito bom amigo, um bom desempenho bastante técnico e "Sound design"

It's very original and psychedelic as I like, so I comment, lol! anyway, you know very well that in general with a few exceptions i like what you do. and there, of course, I like the violin played this way, among others, because I like all the other tracks too, very good friend, a good fairly technical performance and "Sound design"

C'est très original et psychédélique comme j'aime, alors je commente, lol ! de toute façon, tu sais très bien qu'en général à quelques exceptions, j'aime ce que tu fais. et là, j'aime bien sûr, bien le violon joué de cette façon, entre autres, car j'aime toutes les autres pistes aussi, très bien l'ami, une bonne prestation assez technique et de "Sound design"