
Former user wrote on 1/31/2019, 1:23 PM

coole ideen ... leider kommt er nicht wirklich zum punkt .... und wenn er es wirklich will ... lässt du ihn fallen ... nur so ne idee von mir .. komprimiere den part auf ca. 1:30 und hänge nen hammer dahinter ... ich bin mir sicher, dass es ein super intro wäre ... lg alex


fetter339 wrote on 1/31/2019, 3:38 PM

"cool ideas ... unfortunately he does not really come to the point .... and if he really wants it ... you drop him ... just so ne idea of ​​me .. compress the part to about 1:30 and hang a hammer behind it ... I'm sure it would be a super intro ... lg alex"

Thanks for your words of wisdom. Danke für deine Worte der Weisheit.

Former user wrote on 2/1/2019, 6:05 AM

... sprach er ...

you don´t need to translate for me ... or what ever you tryed to do ... but I like your answer:

"about me: I am me." (sure? cause I am not ;P)

have a nice we

Former user wrote on 2/1/2019, 4:04 PM


it is sometimes good to know how to listen as it should be, to approach the listening from every angle, in order to emit a fair opinion, all this taking the time .... is what I do I think I understood it or at least I want to understand it that way, and I concluded by saying that I really appreciated

great sax and vocal sequences and nice piano ending, fetter down da, dont down ;)

fetter339 wrote on 2/1/2019, 5:26 PM

Many thanks for you great review.

fetter339 wrote on 2/2/2019, 10:21 AM

Thanks Jinty