
Former user wrote on 8/10/2014, 8:29 PM

Hi Daniel:

'Still' and funny episode...


DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 8/10/2014, 9:50 PM

Hi Griff:

Glad you find it funny.

Daniel Lyons

gospelbj1 wrote on 11/28/2014, 10:41 AM

Oh my...this is tooooooo funny.  This has actually been me at some point...water logged.  I love it...I'm still laughing as I'm typing this!!!  I thought she was actually pregnant there for a moment.

You definitely have the flair for comedic automation.  Do you have a YouTube channel set up for all your episodes?

Love this!


DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 11/29/2014, 12:28 PM

Thanks and yeah I have a YouTube channel check it out

Former user wrote on 1/28/2015, 12:49 PM

questo coniglietto è un pò grasso ma simpatico.

personaggi carini


DanielsAnimations2014 wrote on 1/28/2015, 6:19 PM

Probabilmente Lei è grasso e poi si è esploso. Guarda che alcuni utenti di YouTube realizzati video di utenti mangiare cibo, ingrassare e esplose. E 'davvero potrebbe offendere me, ma qualunque cosa va bene.