Blackwinter Atmosphere

Klesk wrote on 1/1/2009, 12:56 AM
Title: Blackwinter Atmosphere
Artists: Norkett
Here is one of my first attempts at throwing some music together (I put a couple songs together for a highschool project, this was one of them). I'm a newbie to music but thinking about digging deeper into it, which is why I'm putting this up here. Really would appreciate any feedback I could get, thanks!

(Just a instrumental track[The guitar tracks I recorded])


Former user wrote on 1/1/2009, 3:53 AM
Klingt ein bischen pessimistisch zum Jahresbeginn. Aber der Schatten in der Covermitte verspricht ein wenig Hoffnung. Und diese Hoffnung habe ich auch, dass wir dieses Jahr noch viele optimistische Songs von Dir hören werden.

LG Hans Josef
ZIGGI wrote on 1/1/2009, 10:57 AM
Pretty good for one of your first attempts. I assume it's all samples.
A dark atmospheric sound.
There are a few improvements you could do here.
There are noticeable clicks between samples, which can be removed by adding a very very small fade on the front and the end of each sample.
Secondly keep an eye on your levels. More time spent on mastering will make a huge difference. Attention to detail is everything.
Keep going, i like what i hear. Practice makes perfect.

DaedalFlux wrote on 1/1/2009, 12:15 PM
Has good potential. I agree with Ziggi. Attention to detail makes a world of difference. Your mixer and mastering suite are powerful tools.
LEFTHANDER wrote on 1/2/2009, 2:13 AM
For your first Track really cool.

The Recording time a little bit longer and a Voice after 1 Minute and than you produce a Top  Ballad.

LG aus Hannover
Kugelfisch wrote on 1/4/2009, 11:40 AM