
garychencool wrote on 6/4/2009, 4:23 PM
it has to be in High Def. Either that or change it to .Mpeg or .AVI instead....
...I will look into this later and get back to you A.S.A.P!

I know it is a pain but if you want to covert it to .wmv, use Movie Maker, if you don't how long does it really take you from start to end to create the MPEG then converting it to .WMV?

I am certain that your coing to be unable to export WMV. I tried to, there is no option unless you want it to be in HD.
ralftaro wrote on 6/18/2009, 8:20 AM

There's nothing wrong with Magix. If the WMV export doesn't work properly or doesn't even come up for you, some required Windows/Microsoft component the program is trying to interface just doesn't exist on your system. And don't be fooled into thinking that all required components would be available in any Windows installation. My recent experience of putting MEP onto a freshly installed Vista and some other user's experiences show that this is not the case. So, go to the Microsoft websie and install/update all the components related to Windows Media Player. You will probably have to include the Windows Media Encoder as well:

I hope this helps.