
Procyon wrote on 4/3/2011, 6:19 PM

First of all, did you go into the HELP menu and update the program after you installed it?  If not, you should do this.


Are you saying the files show up in the soundpool, but you can't open or use them?  If so, you probably just need to reset and reload them.  This is VERY common for the first installation.


First, open MMM. Then, go to File > Settings > Program Settings OR simply hit the 'Y' key. Make sure the "Use Installed Soundpool Even After Reset" box is NOT checked and click on the "Reset Soundpool" button.


The soundpool should now be empty. Close the pop-up by clicking OK.


Click on "Add Styles"; go to folder...C:\...Basics_XX...and click OK. (*) It should then load all of the soundpools contained in the Basic_XX folder.


(*) The actual folder location may vary depending on which operating system you are using. XX = version of MMM you are using (i.e. MM-15, MM-16, MM-17, etc.)  To find the Soundpool folder, hit the 'Y' key to bring up the program settings.  Click on the last tab named "Folders".  You'll see the folder location next to the Soundpool label.