
XXMerosticXX wrote on 3/24/2009, 3:33 AM
Uhm....okay, this error message is from Movie Edit Pro. Did you ever try to save the video on your harddisk? You might check, whether your Media Player can play it.

To me it sounds like a codec problem, but you actually should have the you?

Best regards
siglersmalz wrote on 3/26/2009, 2:53 AM
I have an older Sony camcorder, which records video to digital tape and takes pictures to a flash memory stick.  The only way I've been able to dump movies to MEP 14 is either recording using the red/while/yellow RCA jacks into my TV tuner card, which (of course) is analog, or (the best method) is to record via a firewire connection.

When I connect USB, the only thing I can do is dump the photos from the memory stick.

I'm guessing that is your problem; you can't dump a movie via USB from a camcorder to MEP 14 directly.  I see that your camera has only composite video/audio output and USB.  You need to read the instructions that came with your camera.

In the review I read, the following statement is made as one of the disadvantages of your camera, "Video on DVD-RAMs can be accessed only via a DVD-RAM drive."  I don't know what that means, but if you are recording to DVD-RAM, that might be your problem.

Otherwise, if you are recording directly to a DVD,
I'm guessing the following scenarios:

1) Your camera came with software which controls dumping the movie from the camera to the computer.  If this is true, hopefully the software allows you to save the movie on your camera as a *.mpg file, or some other computer standard (.mov, .wmp, etc.)

2) You have to dump the movie directly from the DVD the camera created.  You can't edit the movie on the DVD, but you can edit the movie once it is recorded to your computer.  

The format of the DVD will dictate how you proceed.  If your camera records to the DVD using a standard format (.mpg, .avi, etc) you should be able to pull the movie into MEP 14 directly from the DVD once you put the DVD in your computer's DVD drive.  The review says, "DVD-Rs can be played in home DVD players" so I'm guessing MEP will be able to pull the movie in directly from the DVD.

3) You will have to install a TV-Tuner card into your computer and record the movie directly from the camera using the composite audio/video cable connections.  This is the least attractive method, and I'd be shocked if one of the first two scenarios I've suggested don't work.  If you have to go this route, all TV-Tuner cards come with software for recording movies from VCRs, Cable/Sat boxes, etc.  You just record the movie by "playing" it into your computer in the preferred file format (I always use .mpg for this) and then pull that file into MEP 14.

Hope this helps,

asoeli wrote on 6/24/2009, 4:38 PM
As far as I know, in some cases a DVD must be 'finalized' in the camera before it can be read in a computer. Check out this. Normal format for the video files is VOB, a sort of MPG's. The BUP's and IFO's do not contain video, forget them in this case. Copy the VOB's to your harddisk, as an ordinary copying routine, in the DVD-player, and next try to pull them down to the timeline in MEP. If you get no sound, maybe a codec is needed: Try AC3filter, free on net. This is what 'siglersmalz' say in no. 2.
The USB-connection is in most cases for transferring stills from the SD-card only.
Hope this will help !