Why doesn't someone take the time and really clean up this forum?

ddjddj wrote on 7/27/2009, 8:43 PM
You know you should have a look at the Forum on Sequel 2. It is very clean, subjects are easy to find and the questions as well as the answers make sense and are helpful. In other words, the company takes itself and its clients seriously.
I have been to this board frequently since I started with Music Maker in Nov. 08 and I must say, I've never seen anything quite as "Mickey Mouse" and unprofessional. In addition, I would venture to say there are no real pros using this program (Music Maker) or for that matter anyone in the company interested in helping its clients learn it.

Another suspect item is that the company comes out every few months with so-called upgrades and charges full price for them. To me these are just glitch fixers and we are the guinea pigs and paying quite a price for being one.
If anyone would care to comment or discuss or if they feel my rant is unjustified please contact me and prove to me otherwise.


NoTurning wrote on 7/28/2009, 8:48 AM
I understand your frustration but let me help clear up a few things. I agree that this is not the best format and MUCH work needs to be done.

First, this is user run "forum" driven by questions by users and answers by those of us with more experience. There are only a few of us who answer regularly or that can be considered experts. We tire very quickly of answering the same questions over and over because people are too lazy to search the previous posts. Soon we stop answering those questions and the results are all these "lost" questions. There is a lack of order here clearly - there should be a separation of questions per product, better structure and etc.

Second, there are no pros using Music Maker because it's NOT pro audio software... plain and simple. It's a home entertainment software like a game. This is not Pro Tools or Cubase... it also does not cost anywhere near the price of a Pro Tools system. There are many of us who are proficient in Music Maker but again, if a question has been asked several times... we give up on answering it again. The company provides a great manual on the CD with Music Maker - those who bother to read it usually get their problem solved rather quickly. Unfortunately that's where Magix support stops. 

Third, the "upgrade" issue is a terrible one. I agree that they need to quit this cycle and fix the existing problems that carry across every version. I've said many times here that people need to stop buying "new versions" until this is solved. Magix does not support their products, provide poor QA and release buggy software. I have version 12 of Music Maker and I will not budge. They're spread too thin across to many products and nothing is very solid. This is the underlying problem - with a more solid product this forum would be less of an issue.
