Why does technology hate me?

UstUga wrote on 3/12/2011, 4:58 PM

Why isnt the video signal from the VHS detected in Terracom Magix Movie maker. Im using the Terracom Grabby adapter to convert the analoge signals to digital signals. I have installed everything and the video is working and my drivers are up to date. I only get a black window in Magix Movie maker and negative decibel values. My computer is a Windows 7 and I have the system requirements. Please help me.......Im becoming bald.


yvon-robert wrote on 3/12/2011, 11:06 PM


What is your setup?

Player cable between player and capture device.

VHS player or a 8mm camera this require RCA cables (composite)

Parameters configuration for the capturing device (VHS format NTSC or PAL)

If you obtain a black screen that means no input no image capture.



UstUga wrote on 3/13/2011, 5:15 AM

Hi yvon-robert and thank you for your reply

My VHS is a SHARP VC-M350 and I have plugged the video grabber Grabby between the SCART of the VHS and the USB of the computer. I have set the Video format to PAL-B because Im pretty sure thats the format we used here(In Sweden) but I have also tried other settings for no use. In Magix Movie maker under the tab "Video Decoder" there is one thing called "signal detected" and another called "lines detected". Those two values flickers between 0 and 1 but are most on 0. So yes, somehow the signal bewteen the VHS and computer is lost. As a result, I have had the thought that the Grabby device might not be properly installed but repeated uninstallations and reinstallations have not helped either.

Best Regards


yvon-robert wrote on 3/13/2011, 8:35 PM


1) Is not necessary to uninstall and reinstall software when something not work is due to a bad configuration or cable.

2) The capture device is linked to computer via a USB cable and windows has detected and work check in device manager if your capture device work properly. You can reach directly the device manager from your keyboard usong Start button (Window on the button) and the Pause key Hardware Tab, Device manager button. check USB expand clicking on + square.

3) Scart is a special device this normally require a special cable check is the cable is a scart compatible probably the problem is here.



UstUga wrote on 3/18/2011, 2:05 PM

Thank you for your reply but there is no hope...

I have tried various Scart plugs in vain. A friend of mine took the Grabby adapter and VHS and tried them at his home and for him they worked perfectly, he was able to record without problems. But for me, thats impossible... The only difference when I changed Scart plugs was that "Lines detected" improved from 1 to 125. But the "Video Signal" was still only on 1. I tried to dowload another video record program, instead of MagiX Movies, that had the name "Virtual Dub"  but I still couldnt get a video signal. The only difference was that "Lines detected" improved from 125 to 652. When I try to record, I only get a laggy sound, and thats pretty much the only evidence that there is a tape in the VHS.

I think my computer is the Devil incarnate or something.