Why does Photostory put my pictures in wrong order, when I import them from my desktop??

kivig wrote on 2/21/2012, 5:27 AM

Hi..I'm using Photostory on CD & DVD 10.

When I want to make a new project and I try to import them from my desktop...they come in

in the wrong order, even if I renamed them all with numbers from 1 - 230. And when I drag them into the 

storyboard...all the pictures are mixed and in wrong order.....WHY?? and WHAT do I do to make them right??


robbo36 wrote on 3/6/2012, 3:22 AM

Hi, first you might try to number your pics inside the folder on your desktop - 001,002,003 etc, not just 1,2,3,4,5

If not successfull, then go to the OVERVIEW mode (at lower left vertical section), you can easily re-arrange them there, hope this helps.