Why does del key bring up wrong menu in timeline mode

jerryr wrote on 8/5/2009, 4:28 PM
sorry if this is an ignorant question.  I am in timeline mode in MEP v15 (the download/trial edition) and I select a picture that I had earlier added to the timeline and which I now want to delete by clicking on it once with the left mouse button (which makes it highlighted).

I then press the DEL or delete key.

Up pops the "Individual Application Settings" (instead of deleting the selected picture).  Why is that?




ralftaro wrote on 8/6/2009, 5:01 AM
Hi Jerry,

Seems to work fine for me. That dialog or message that pops up when pressing Delete is not part of Movie Edit Pro, right? Can you possibly post a screen shot of the situation here. It kind of looks like Windows or another application is intercepting the hotkey and triggering some other action, unrelated to MEP. I assume deleting the object/picture via the "Delete" function in the "Edit" menu works just fine?

jerryr wrote on 8/6/2009, 10:20 AM

Thank you very much for your kind response and my apologies for asking such a lame question.  Indeed you are quite right.  I should have read the fine-print just a bit better ;).  The pop-up was indeed not from MEP but from an add-on app that came with my Nvidia video card called "Nvidia Desktop Manager" wanting to know how I wanted to set the 'individual desktop settings' for this application (MEP).  I am not certain why Nvidia would have tied that pop-up to a delete key in an application but they surely did.  My first clue that you were right was that I tried the same test at home and the demo MEP worked fine as expected.  So, I checked my computer at work again (where I first installed it just to see if MEP 15 looked appreciably different than my previous MEP 11) and the pop-up re-eappeared.  I now understand and it is not a problem.  Besides I intend to use the pgm at home anyway - I just put it on at work to see how the new version looked - very nice btw.

Thanks again for your kind reply.

For others out there that have the NVIDIA Desktop Manager - you may wish to disable the "individual settings for applications" option to avoid this.


p.s. Ralftaro, I have a completely different question about opening a MEPv11 project under MEPv15 (and it causing memory used by MEPv15 to grow and grow until it is out of memory and the program has to be aborted) but I can ask that in a different post if you feel I should.  Thanks!  :)