Why cant I Import files?

puttep wrote on 7/6/2009, 1:30 AM
When Im in "Load media files" mode i can onle see the files recorded with mobile phone camera, these files are ok to import. However the files that I shot whith my HD video cam are not viseble until i chose "all files (*.*)" under "file format". When i do this they only become viseble as MPEG icons and not as a preview and not available to import?
Whats wrong with that?


ralftaro wrote on 7/8/2009, 7:33 AM

Exactly what version of Movie Edit Pro are you using and exactly what kind of HD video files are we dealing with (file format, codec)? Possibly, the kind of files you have are just not supported in the program version you're using or possibly a required codec just hasn't been activated yet. In order to really make a call here, I'd need more information.