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frissbeegolfer wrote on 2/28/2009, 11:47 AM
hi,i have mep 14 ,windows xp,directx 9,celeron 2.93 ghz processer,40%free space on hd.i keep getting error encoding when i burn about an hour into it i'm using verbatim dvd-r 16x on mynew atapi dvd adh20a 4p burner i all ready burnt one project with magix on it and with same media.my region setting is right,i've downloaded all patches,drive routines,shut of programs running on astart up,reduce chapters,got rid of chapters,got rid of musuic playing on menu.still did'nt work.i've read that moving the picture and music into the audio and video floder in magix might work but i cant seem to get at it from the menu area,some please help thanks,jen


feluraunt wrote on 3/3/2009, 9:49 AM

Fortunately, this is not technical support, just users of the software trying to help out on user type issues like how do I make a video in grayscale... so unless one of us have the exact same problem as you, it might not be much in the way of answers.

I haven't had a burn issue since I uninstalled roxio like 4 years ago. I have never had a burn issue with MEP 14.

Since you have burned a disc before with the MEP 14, then we know there is communication. Perhaps there is an issue with the project you are burning. Try exporting it out as an avi file. Then start a new project and load that avi file. Make sure it plays back ok, if it does, then try burning it to disc.

Hopefully that lets you burn the video to disc.