Where have the Acid Loop Tools gone in Soundforge 15 pro?

Freble wrote on 4/22/2024, 1:25 PM

I used to work all the time with Soundforge in the past, creating beats and all that using the Acid Loop tools inside Soundforge.
100 years later, having Soundforge 15 pro now, I can't find this feature, which is by far the most important one to create beats (and many beats where created using it) nowhere in the software.

Where is it?

Thanks in advance


SP. wrote on 4/22/2024, 1:44 PM

@Freble Check page 91 in the PDF manual.

Freble wrote on 4/23/2024, 5:35 AM

Thanks. I didn't specify my question well enough. Although page 91 does help somewhat, I was specifically looking for the keyboard shortcuts to move selections as beats and shortcuts to split or double selections.
I did found them by now by searching for keyboard shortcuts en walking through the list.
These shortcuts seem to have changed over the years, which is odd to me. These were (even today!!) still muscle memory for me, surprisingly, after so many years, but didn't work.
So I might search for mapping shortcuts if possible, or else have to get used to these new shortcuts.
Thanks again!