
feluraunt wrote on 3/3/2009, 8:36 AM
DIP is I believe part of the project file within the program. It probably contains the information to there the individual files for the project are stored on your computer.

MVM is the movie file itself for the project. It is proprietary to the magix program.

If you cannot create a temporary file, I would assume you are either out of system resources, or your temporary folder is full or past temporary files. You might want to contact magix technical support for that, unless someone here has had a similar situation. 

The only burn error I have had with my magix software has been an error where I had other burning software installed and it was attempting to run at the same time I was trying to burn with magix. major conflict, but I removed the other burning software from windows start up using msconfig, and I was able to burn successfully. again, I would recommend that you contact magix support for that issue.