When I try to download the Photostory, it takes two days and I have cable at high speed. Are you having server problems? I get timesd out and it never downloads.--dhoyle@nc.rr.com

dhoyle wrote on 12/24/2012, 11:28 AM

When I try to download the Photostory, it takes two days and I have cable at high speed. Are you having server problems?  I get timed out and it never downloads... Please send the CD !..              


gandjcarr wrote on 12/24/2012, 11:46 AM


I have been using Magix products for almost a year now, and have occsionaly run in to server problems, but that is usually when (I assume) they are backing up their servers but when that happens, I get a "not available" message.  Two days sounds more like your cable connection is getting bogged down by other users on the same line(s) as you or your are getting outages with the cable system that you are using.  A year ago, I switched from cale to fiber optic from my local telco and have never had a problem since.  The fiber optic connection behaves almost like a dedicated connection and the only time you will experience a download problem is if the fiber cable somehow gets cut, then you will get nothing.

Good Luck
