
john-auvil wrote on 10/18/2010, 9:01 AM

How are you importing?


What format is the photo in that you are importing?


I use the programs navagation to fine the location of my photos and then drag them into the arrangement. I do not see any quality loss when I do the importing that way.

safariman wrote on 10/18/2010, 11:37 AM

That is precisely what I do. The photos are both in .jpg and raw format and the degeneration in quality is the same in both.

john-auvil wrote on 10/18/2010, 12:25 PM

Ok, if you start a new project in PhotoStory 9 and take one .jpg photo and load it, does it degrade?


If so, how much degeneration are we talking about? Is there a way to do a Before/After. to see if there is anything else happening?


Can you tell anything about the file, if there was any previous edits from other software or what camera was used to capture it.


I am loading in some photos and I am not seeing a degeneration of the quality.


Any infomation on your computer would be helpful too.

safariman wrote on 10/25/2010, 7:13 PM

Hello and thank you for your comments. I import a photo taken on a cannon or pentax 12 mega pixel camera from a storage file in my laptop hard drive. I drag or double click on the photo to load it onto the "storyboard". When I click on a photo in the storyboard, the image in the viewer is terrible - fuzzy, out of focus and of poor quality. Sharpening the photo does not help as the photo then becomes very harsh with too much contrast and hard to look at. When I view the same photos on the standard Windows viewer, the image is very sharp, crisp and with high quality detail - can zoom in quite close before suffering picture loss. Burning the photos using windows gives me an excellent result - fullscreen, very high quality and zoomable but very difficult to present in the order I want as the default is always in accordance with the camera used and timeline. I bought the Photostory software as it is supposed to be very easy to order the photos and prepare slideshows. I find the ordering feature great but cannot abide the extreme photo quality loss. I tried the standard slideshow last night and the photos were a better quality (almost acceptable) but the photos do not fill the TV screen and the slidesow effects - tilting, panning sideways and up and down - are not to my likeing and find it nauseating to watch. I cannot adjust the effects without picture loss. I have read and re-read the online manual but cannot learn how to make the changes I would like without compromising photo quality loss. Any tips you can provide would be great!