What is Magnix FTP host name & what/where do I find my user name and pwd?

shellynNY wrote on 9/25/2010, 6:57 PM

I have searched, registered, and tried using ftp.magnix.. & other configurations & tried my user name & pwd's from my magix accounts. Details for the free 500mb access only. Thanks I am useing Xara Wed Designer 6. I know how to publish, I need the ftp user and password information or details where I obtain these. I am not publishing to a private ftp site I am trying to use the free 500mb web hosting magnix gives you once you register. I am familiar with ftp and can post else wear so this is basically infomation I am seeking on only Magnix free hosting. I appercaite it. Have a good day and thank you from stopping me from banging my head on the wall.


shellynNY wrote on 9/25/2010, 8:11 PM

Ok so more searching I found the answer to my own question. I am leaving this post up for others so they do not have to spend to much time searching for the same answer as well. For the answer click on the link below for detailed instructions:




Sometimes you have to dig and bad support should no be this way. The support here has a great concept and GUI for us but is very limited in the knowledge base and support provided online by Magnix. Glad to be a member to online world and get end user feedback, as I know I will need it in the future Thanks again and I hope this helps someone.