What happened to the Video Effects multi dialog screen??

Dilbert wrote on 8/12/2009, 2:23 AM
In MEP14, you used to be able to right click and use Video Effects option to Size & Position / change speed and various other effects.

I know all these options are now within the media pool but it seems odd that this has now been separated when it was easy before to manage all the effetcs in one go!

I am I missing something? is there an easy to get to "all in one" dialog screen for the effects within MEP15+? if not it then this seems to be a step backwards.


ralftaro wrote on 8/12/2009, 4:46 AM
Hi there,

You're not missing anything. The Video FX and Size & Position dialogs as they were in MEP 14 no longer exist in that form. Not sure whether it's a step backwards, but I also liked them and it was the way of working I was used to. I'm sure I'll get used to the new layout. A bigger monitor and higher resolution are probably in order, though.  :-)