What does MP3 Export (10 encodings left) mean?

ShanLyn wrote on 7/25/2009, 4:08 AM
I've noticed that when I export my creations to an MP3 file, placing it in a desktop folder, that my 'encodings' are lowering in number.  I have MM 14 Producer Edition.  What does this mean that I have so many encodings left?  Why are the 'encodings' diminishing in number everytime I create an MP3 file?  Thank you.


NoTurning wrote on 7/25/2009, 11:44 AM
It's because you must pay an additional fee to continue to export to .mp3 - they claim there is a huge added expense and to keep cost down the must charge for this feature.

Now the .mp3 distribution license does cost money but it's not nearly what they claim and many programs like Audacity (which is free) allows you to export to .mp3 for FREE!

I recommend you continue to use Music Maker but don't pay for the .mp3 feature - instead simply export to .wav and then use Audacity to convert it to .mp3; I know it's an additional step but an easy one.

It's not the money but the principle,