
siglersmalz wrote on 12/4/2009, 12:41 AM

I did a Google search on that error string, and searched the user's forum and didn't get any hits.  Can you provide more details?

I'm guessing by stage 3 of 4, you are referring to burning a DVD.  You also referred to powerpoint presentation pictures, but I don't see anything attached (may it's just me).

The first question is if this is a MEP error or Windows error.

I can offer one tip, however.  Burning problems with MEP can frequently be solved by installing the latest burn routine, available at

I just looked and here the link to the 2009 burn routines:

You have to sign on with an account to get there, I believe.

Sometimes other programs (Nero, for example) will over-write some DVD drivers causing MEP to have issues.  These burn routines have always set things aright for me.

Good luck