Well, that settles it. Movie Edit Pro 15 isn't going to cut it...

TAVE wrote on 8/31/2009, 12:36 AM
Just burned my first project with MEP 15. What a horrible finished product! The DVD video actually "stutters" and slows at regular intervals. I NEVER had this much trouble with MEP 12 or MEP 14!! It takes FOREVER to edit projects because of way the on screen video is handled. After fighting with the software all day, and it is now 1 AM, I have come to the conclusion that MEP 15 is NOT going to work for me and has too many short comings. Many of the familiar features and procedures from MEP 14 are missing. The program takes off and does what it pleases at times causing me to have to completely reconstruct the project. This happened 4 different times.

The previewing of the finished, or in progress project STINKS at best and I found in the instruction manual it states that even the best, most powerful computers will have difficulty in providing a good preview. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! MEP 14 was doing a fantastic job for me. I thought I was making a step UP and found MEP 15 was a step backwards.

I will be transfering the 3 projects I started in MEP 15 out to MEP 14 and will be deleting the program from my computer. I know I can trust MEP 14 to work properly and give me a terrific finished project. I know I am not alone and I am very disappointed with this software.


ralftaro wrote on 9/1/2009, 8:13 AM

If you check the encoded DVD images files on your hard drive, do you witness the same problem? If not, this is probably just a writing/reading related issue. Maybe the readability of the disc isn't very good. Try burning at slower speeds, try different DVD blanks and avoid DVD-RW blanks.

Regarding the real-time preview problems, I already said something about that under the other topic. Maybe it's just a driver issue and can be overcome by updating the display driver or changing some settings. Maybe a different display hardware would work better. The source material is also an interesting factor in this equation, and unless you're editing AVCHD footage, I wouldn't really take the comment about the performance that seriously. There's a lot of footage where from my experience as rather modest multimedia system will do a fine job.

TAVE wrote on 9/1/2009, 9:08 AM

I have all the latest codec via "K-lite" on my computer. The graphics card is an ATI All-In-Wonder and the settings were correct. If you read my post from monday you will see that the mpeg recordings themselves have the problem. The recordings were made using MEP 15. I tried playing them with several other video players as well as transfering them to a different computer. The defect is from MEP 15 and is in the raw recorded files.

As far as burning, I use 8X DVD-R discs and I always burn at 2X to be absolutely sure I get a good burn. I do not attempt to do anything else on the media computer when it is working and have all unnecessary background programs shut down.

There are other posts regarding the same issues I am having. It CAN'T be just me!

Anyway, thanks for the reply but I will not be using MEP 15. I can't afford to waste days and days of my time on software that is so buggy. Just look at the list of modifications in the patch that was released Aug 17th...