Comments wrote on 6/11/2013, 6:03 AM

At 4:00 PM on Wednesday, June 5th, one of mywebsite users reported he was able to reach my Magix website, but found that I had not completed my new updates.  At 5:00 PM I notified him that I had completed the updates to the Grumpy Old Men webpage and he tried again.  This time he could not reach the website on either his Vista controlled Laptop or his Windows 7 desktop and has not been able to do so since.  Also this is a person who does updates to the website in my absence.  He  stated that the system went into a hard wait apparantly waiting for a response from the Magix controller.  Both of his machines use Microsoft Internet Explorer and have the latest version of Adobe Player.

A second one of our members reported the same problem, but found a solution by going to Chrome as his internet service provider and was able to reach the website.  This narrows the problem down to Internet Explorer as the potential problem area.

Has Magix done anything to the webpage developer that would make the webpage unavailable to Windows Internet Explorer users or to your knowledge has Microsoft done something to Internet Explorer that would make a Magix website unavailable?


Thank you for investigating this as it is a real problem for my users of the Grumpy Old Men golf association web site.



Tom Moorw. .