Video with Dolby activated

onstryke wrote on 10/31/2007, 7:55 PM
I am struggling with importing videos off my hard drive with Dolby digital surround sound, and building a dvd video with my files. The video and menu work but no sound. I have activated the dolby plug in. Any help appreciated.

Hi , I am using movie edit pro 12, non dolby videos work the same as the dolby vidoes. It seems that the plug in converts the dolby to stereo? I dont see any settings to turn on surrond sound, only manipulate surround effects. it just looks like the digital audio should import with the video?


shelley1 wrote on 11/1/2007, 9:20 AM
In Movie Edit Pro 12 Dolby sound cannot be created or edited. It can only be reexported as the same under the following conditions:

1. The material must be error free and able to import without having to
create a new frame table.

2. The bitrate in the material must confirm to the DVD norm.

3. Only very minimal editing (like cutting off start and end etc.) is done.

4. Both Smart rendering and GOP copying must be activated when you encode.