Video ProX 12 -> Video ProX 14 disaster

DominikStrycharski wrote on 1/7/2023, 12:48 PM

I've had a working Video Pro X12 for the last (more or less) 2 years.

I was silly and I wanted an update, it was offered to me with a very nice price. Update to Video ProX 14.

I did an update. Now the program freezes alomst every time, the project which was running quite smoothly is choppy as f....

Video ProX14 is just unusable junk ATM. I regret the move.

So my 2 questions:

1. Is anybody having similar expierience? I am just super angry and helpless

2. Does it make sense to revert back to ProX 12?? Would the project work as supposed to?


Pawel-Rybinski wrote on 1/7/2023, 12:55 PM

Miałem podobnie ale teraz już jest w miarę ok. Walczyłem z suportem 2,5 roku. NIe mieli czasu na moje poprawki. Tak rzeczywiście jest wiele zmian pozytywnych w najnowszejczęści ale jest i kilka negatywów. X12 była naprawde fajna i na niej montowałem bo była w miare stabilna. Niestety wszystkie kodeki i reszta głupot z komputera musiały zniknąć. Tylko goły system bo inaczej jest strasznie niestabilnie. Trzeba mieć najnowsze stery do karty graficznej. Mam nowy komputer i dopiero od ostaniej aktualizacji jakoś to działa poprawnie.

I had the same but now it's ok. I fought with the support for 2.5 years. They didn't have time for my corrections. Yes, there are indeed many positive changes in the latest installment, but there are also some negatives. X12 was really cool and I mounted on it because it was quite stable. Unfortunately, all the codecs and the rest of the nonsense from the computer had to disappear. Only a bare system otherwise it's terribly unstable. You must have the latest drivers for your graphics card. I have a new computer and it's only been working fine since the last update.

CubeAce wrote on 1/7/2023, 1:49 PM


It is definitely a lot more resource hungry than VPX 12. How well it behaves will depend a lot on your components. For me,VPX 14 is on the edge of usefulness. It doesn't freeze in use but can just crash out if I don't give my system time enough to complete a task before moving on the the next bit of editing which is a puzzle to me as VPX 12 had no such issues with the same material. I can see my GPU still chugging away for some considerable time after applying an effect for instance. Try to do anything before that activity stops and the program just disappears and no crash log is recorded.

However, others here with higher specified machines are having no problems that they are reporting at least. Less the known bugs from previous versions still not fixed.


Last changed by CubeAce on 1/7/2023, 4:15 PM, changed a total of 3 times.


Windows 10 Enterprise. Version 22H2 OS build 19045.5011

Direct X 12.1 latest hardware updates for Western Digital hard drives.

Asus ROG STRIX Z390-F Gaming motherboard Rev 1.xx with Supreme FX inboard audio using the S1220A code. Driver No 6.0.8960.1 Bios version 1401

Intel i9900K Coffee Lake 3.6 to 5.1GHz CPU with Intel UHD 630 Graphics .Driver version Graphics Driver for 7th-10th Gen Intel® with 64GB of 3200MHz Corsair DDR4 ram.

1000 watt EVGA modular power supply.

1 x 250GB Evo 970 NVMe: drive for C: drive backup 1 x 1TB Sabrent NVMe drive for Operating System / Programs only. 1X WD BLACK 1TB internal SATA 7,200rpm hard drives.1 for internal projects, 1 for Library clips/sounds/music/stills./backup of working projects. 1x500GB SSD current project only drive, 2x WD RED 2TB drives for latest footage storage. Total 21TB of 8 external WD drives for backup.

ASUS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB. nVidia Studio driver version 572.16 - 3584xCUDA cores Direct X 12.1. Memory interface 192bit Memory bandwidth 360.05GB/s 12GB of dedicated GDDR6 video memory, shared system memory 16307MB PCi Express x8 Gen3. Two Samsung 27" LED SA350 monitors with 5000000:1 contrast ratios at 60Hz.

Running MMS 2024 Suite v (UDP3) and VPX 14 - v20.0.3.180 (UDP3)

M Audio Axiom AIR Mini MIDI keyboard Ver

VXP 14, MMS 2024 Suite, Vegas Studio 16, Vegas Pro 18, Cubase 4. CS6, NX Studio, Mixcraft 9 Recording Studio. Mixcraft Pro 10 Studio.

Audio System 5 x matched bi-wired 150 watt Tannoy Reveal speakers plus one Tannoy 15" 250 watt sub with 5.1 class A amplifier. Tuned to room with Tannoy audio application.

Ram Acoustic Studio speakers amplified by NAD amplifier.

Rogers LS7 speakers run from Cambridge Audio P50 amplifier

Schrodinger's Backup. "The condition of any backup is unknown until a restore is attempted."

DominikStrycharski wrote on 1/7/2023, 5:04 PM


It is definitely a lot more resource hungry than VPX 12. How well it behaves will depend a lot on your components. For me,VPX 14 is on the edge of usefulness. It doesn't freeze in use but can just crash out if I don't give my system time enough to complete a task before moving on the the next bit of editing which is a puzzle to me as VPX 12 had no such issues with the same material. I can see my GPU still chugging away for some considerable time after applying an effect for instance. Try to do anything before that activity stops and the program just disappears and no crash log is recorded.

However, others here with higher specified machines are having no problems that they are reporting at least. Less the known bugs from previous versions still not fixed.


Well my laptop is definitely powerful enough. With a MŚ 630 graphic card plus a second one, dedicated for graphics GeForce RTX2060.

So that means I should just downgrade? And install X12 again?

CubeAce wrote on 1/7/2023, 5:57 PM


Have you run Task Manager to see if the laptop is maxing out in any area and both GPUs are getting used or a bottleneck with ram usage or drives? Do you have sufficient space left on the C: drives to allow temp swap files to be created and deleted as the program runs?

What Intel chip is it? I know @johnebaker has a similar specified laptop but running an i7-10750H and running VPX 14.




Windows 10 Enterprise. Version 22H2 OS build 19045.5011

Direct X 12.1 latest hardware updates for Western Digital hard drives.

Asus ROG STRIX Z390-F Gaming motherboard Rev 1.xx with Supreme FX inboard audio using the S1220A code. Driver No 6.0.8960.1 Bios version 1401

Intel i9900K Coffee Lake 3.6 to 5.1GHz CPU with Intel UHD 630 Graphics .Driver version Graphics Driver for 7th-10th Gen Intel® with 64GB of 3200MHz Corsair DDR4 ram.

1000 watt EVGA modular power supply.

1 x 250GB Evo 970 NVMe: drive for C: drive backup 1 x 1TB Sabrent NVMe drive for Operating System / Programs only. 1X WD BLACK 1TB internal SATA 7,200rpm hard drives.1 for internal projects, 1 for Library clips/sounds/music/stills./backup of working projects. 1x500GB SSD current project only drive, 2x WD RED 2TB drives for latest footage storage. Total 21TB of 8 external WD drives for backup.

ASUS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB. nVidia Studio driver version 572.16 - 3584xCUDA cores Direct X 12.1. Memory interface 192bit Memory bandwidth 360.05GB/s 12GB of dedicated GDDR6 video memory, shared system memory 16307MB PCi Express x8 Gen3. Two Samsung 27" LED SA350 monitors with 5000000:1 contrast ratios at 60Hz.

Running MMS 2024 Suite v (UDP3) and VPX 14 - v20.0.3.180 (UDP3)

M Audio Axiom AIR Mini MIDI keyboard Ver

VXP 14, MMS 2024 Suite, Vegas Studio 16, Vegas Pro 18, Cubase 4. CS6, NX Studio, Mixcraft 9 Recording Studio. Mixcraft Pro 10 Studio.

Audio System 5 x matched bi-wired 150 watt Tannoy Reveal speakers plus one Tannoy 15" 250 watt sub with 5.1 class A amplifier. Tuned to room with Tannoy audio application.

Ram Acoustic Studio speakers amplified by NAD amplifier.

Rogers LS7 speakers run from Cambridge Audio P50 amplifier

Schrodinger's Backup. "The condition of any backup is unknown until a restore is attempted."

DominikStrycharski wrote on 1/7/2023, 6:46 PM


Have you run Task Manager to see if the laptop is maxing out in any area and both GPUs are getting used or a bottleneck with ram usage or drives? Do you have sufficient space left on the C: drives to allow temp swap files to be created and deleted as the program runs?

What Intel chip is it? I know @johnebaker has a similar specified laptop but running an i7-10750H and running VPX 14.



I always check my Task Manager. Absolutely nothing is maxing out.

I have over 100GB left on C:

I have Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz   2.59 GHz

For now I reinstalled VideoProX 12...

CubeAce wrote on 1/7/2023, 8:08 PM


Your system in theory should be coping slightly better than my own then. I assume you are running the latest game ready driver for the nvidia card which should be version 526.86 and version for the Intel HD 630 and that you are completely up to date with Windows.

I am also running 64GB or ram but 16GB should suffice for 4K editing.

I do get the occasional playback hiccup but nothing serious.

Please forgive the lack of soundtrack but this was supposed to be for friends only and has some commercial music in it. The file may take a while to load.



Windows 10 Enterprise. Version 22H2 OS build 19045.5011

Direct X 12.1 latest hardware updates for Western Digital hard drives.

Asus ROG STRIX Z390-F Gaming motherboard Rev 1.xx with Supreme FX inboard audio using the S1220A code. Driver No 6.0.8960.1 Bios version 1401

Intel i9900K Coffee Lake 3.6 to 5.1GHz CPU with Intel UHD 630 Graphics .Driver version Graphics Driver for 7th-10th Gen Intel® with 64GB of 3200MHz Corsair DDR4 ram.

1000 watt EVGA modular power supply.

1 x 250GB Evo 970 NVMe: drive for C: drive backup 1 x 1TB Sabrent NVMe drive for Operating System / Programs only. 1X WD BLACK 1TB internal SATA 7,200rpm hard drives.1 for internal projects, 1 for Library clips/sounds/music/stills./backup of working projects. 1x500GB SSD current project only drive, 2x WD RED 2TB drives for latest footage storage. Total 21TB of 8 external WD drives for backup.

ASUS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12GB. nVidia Studio driver version 572.16 - 3584xCUDA cores Direct X 12.1. Memory interface 192bit Memory bandwidth 360.05GB/s 12GB of dedicated GDDR6 video memory, shared system memory 16307MB PCi Express x8 Gen3. Two Samsung 27" LED SA350 monitors with 5000000:1 contrast ratios at 60Hz.

Running MMS 2024 Suite v (UDP3) and VPX 14 - v20.0.3.180 (UDP3)

M Audio Axiom AIR Mini MIDI keyboard Ver

VXP 14, MMS 2024 Suite, Vegas Studio 16, Vegas Pro 18, Cubase 4. CS6, NX Studio, Mixcraft 9 Recording Studio. Mixcraft Pro 10 Studio.

Audio System 5 x matched bi-wired 150 watt Tannoy Reveal speakers plus one Tannoy 15" 250 watt sub with 5.1 class A amplifier. Tuned to room with Tannoy audio application.

Ram Acoustic Studio speakers amplified by NAD amplifier.

Rogers LS7 speakers run from Cambridge Audio P50 amplifier

Schrodinger's Backup. "The condition of any backup is unknown until a restore is attempted."

browj2 wrote on 1/7/2023, 8:19 PM



See this although it may be too late since you've reinstalled VPX12.

Also, VPX14 is very sensitive to the material and the Hardware Acceleration settings in Program Settings - Device Options page. Under Processing, try one of the other options. Also try a different option for Import and Export, if necessary.

For the material, if it is from a screen capture program, then that could be the problem. Also, if there is a file that is slightly "off," VPX14 may not like it and grind to a halt or near halt.

What happens on my system is that the hard drive containing the file goes to 100% and basically blocks everything for a few minutes, then, as soon as I do something, it takes off again. Sometimes the program just slows down, other times it can take up to 5 minutes to return, or it can start giving me errors on the file upon restarting the project. It will hang part way through the file loading process, take a few minutes and either indicate that it can't find the file or loads it and then balks whenever I touch the problem object or objects.

I have had both problems recently. I run all of my screen capture videos through Handbrake as VPX14 does not always like the file.

I recently had a problem with one file recorded with my GoPro. Out of about a dozen files in a folder, VPX14 did not like one of them. I ran it through Handbrake, moved the original to a backup folder, and had no more problems.

I even had one file refused by the program that had been put through Handbrake - nothing else would read it either.

Sometimes, all it takes is 1 bad file in a folder that VPX14 doesn't like and it grinds to a halt.

Once I overcome these problems, VPX14 flies fine.

Do you have a separate graphics card installed? If so, what?

John CB


John C.B.

VideoPro X(16); Movie Studio 2025 Platinum; Music Maker 2025 Premium Edition; Samplitude Pro X8 Suite; see About me for more.

Desktop System - Windows 10 Pro 22H2; MB ROG STRIX B560-A Gaming WiFi; Graphics Card Zotac Gaming NVIDIA GeForce RTX-3060, PS; Power supply EVGA 750W; Intel Core i7-10700K @ 3.80GHz (UHD Graphics 630); RAM 32 GB; OS on Kingston SSD 1TB; secondary WD 2TB; others 1.5TB, 3TB, 500GB, 4TB, 5TB, 6TB, 8TB; three monitors - HP 25" main, LG 4K 27" second, HP 27" third; Casio WK-225 piano keyboard; M-Audio M-Track USB mixer.

Notebook - Microsoft Surface Pro 4, i5-6300U, 8 GB RAM, 256 SSD, W10 Pro 20H2.

YouTube Channel: @JCBrownVideos

DominikStrycharski wrote on 1/7/2023, 8:48 PM



See this although it may be too late since you've reinstalled VPX12.

Also, VPX14 is very sensitive to the material and the Hardware Acceleration settings in Program Settings - Device Options page. Under Processing, try one of the other options. Also try a different option for Import and Export, if necessary.

For the material, if it is from a screen capture program, then that could be the problem. Also, if there is a file that is slightly "off," VPX14 may not like it and grind to a halt or near halt.

What happens on my system is that the hard drive containing the file goes to 100% and basically blocks everything for a few minutes, then, as soon as I do something, it takes off again. Sometimes the program just slows down, other times it can take up to 5 minutes to return, or it can start giving me errors on the file upon restarting the project. It will hang part way through the file loading process, take a few minutes and either indicate that it can't find the file or loads it and then balks whenever I touch the problem object or objects.

I have had both problems recently. I run all of my screen capture videos through Handbrake as VPX14 does not always like the file.

I recently had a problem with one file recorded with my GoPro. Out of about a dozen files in a folder, VPX14 did not like one of them. I ran it through Handbrake, moved the original to a backup folder, and had no more problems.

I even had one file refused by the program that had been put through Handbrake - nothing else would read it either.

Sometimes, all it takes is 1 bad file in a folder that VPX14 doesn't like and it grinds to a halt.

Once I overcome these problems, VPX14 flies fine.

Do you have a separate graphics card installed? If so, what?

John CB


I have a second graphic card GeForce RTX2060.

I have a complex project edited in VideoProX12 without a big problem. It is possible to play this back and edit. It slowed down, since it's quite complex (and maybe the edit is messy as well, somebody did it quite intuitively regarding the timeline)

When I load it on VideoProX14 - it's just unusable. I mean it stutters every second, which is embarassing.

I am primarly a composer. I work with videos, but it's not my profession yet.

For now I came back to X12, since it's solid and I don't know what to tweak to make X14 work as it should.

But from what you say, X14 doesn't seem like a good idea.

The project I am using is not from a screen capture. All the files are from the same source.

johnebaker wrote on 1/8/2023, 8:08 AM



As @CubeAce commented, you have the same GPU setup as me - Intel UHD 630 and RTX 2060 I am currently working with 4K UHD HEVC encoded video - not using proxy files - and VPX14 and the only time I have a playback issue is when using an effect such as a Denoiser.

Is the laptop the Hyperbook NH5, and the video file format and source still HEVC from the Experia 5 with a Constant framerate, as mentioned in your previous post ?

If the laptop is running Windows 11, check in Windows settings, Acessibility, Text cursor that the Text Cursor indicator option is turned off - some users have reported this as being turned on (after an update?) and this is known to cause the sypmtoms you are seeing.

The issue with some video file formats, @browj2 commented on, are known to occur, rarely, with a standard video file format where the camera manufacturer has included extra data channels in the container file.

A sample video clip about 30 - 60 secs long, which displays the issues you are seeing, for us test , would help. Upload to somewhere like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Dropbox or us a file sharing site such as WeTransfer and post a link to the file.

John EB
Forum Moderator

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

DominikStrycharski wrote on 1/8/2023, 10:44 AM



As @CubeAce commented, you have the same GPU setup as me - Intel UHD 630 and RTX 2060 I am currently working with 4K UHD HEVC encoded video - not using proxy files - and VPX14 and the only time I have a playback issue is when using an effect such as a Denoiser.

Is the laptop the Hyperbook NH5, and the video file format and source still HEVC from the Experia 5 with a Constant framerate, as mentioned in your previous post ?

If the laptop is running Windows 11, check in Windows settings, Acessibility, Text cursor that the Text Cursor indicator option is turned off - some users have reported this as being turned on (after an update?) and this is known to cause the sypmtoms you are seeing.

The issue with some video file formats, @browj2 commented on, are known to occur, rarely, with a standard video file format where the camera manufacturer has included extra data channels in the container file.

A sample video clip about 30 - 60 secs long, which displays the issues you are seeing, for us test , would help. Upload to somewhere like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Dropbox or us a file sharing site such as WeTransfer and post a link to the file.

John EB
Forum Moderator

Yes, the machine is Hyperbook NH5/NH7 from 2019. Yes, the footage is from Xperia 5 Mark 1.

I don't own Windows 11, still on Windows 10, latest build.

What do you mean by sampled video? A project, or just a mp4 render for instance?

For now I also reverted back to X12, to avoid frustration.

johnebaker wrote on 1/8/2023, 10:52 AM



. . . . What do you mean by sampled video?  . . . .

A sample of video from the phone, which when you import it into VPX 14 makes it freeze and choppy.

John EB 

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.

DominikStrycharski wrote on 1/8/2023, 11:00 AM



. . . . What do you mean by sampled video?  . . . .

A sample of video from the phone, which when you import it into VPX 14 makes it freeze and choppy.

John EB 

But it's not a single sample. It's a whole project. Which runs quite nicely on 12 and is unusable in 14

But I will send it anyway.

Reyfox wrote on 1/13/2023, 10:14 AM

I believe @johnebaker is referring to when he says "sample video", is an actual sample video clip from the project where you are having issues. It would have to be uploaded to the cloud for download and testing.


Liviu-Tatan wrote on 2/27/2023, 4:38 AM

Program works correctly I9 11900K, RTX 4070TI,32GB RAM

emmrecs wrote on 2/27/2023, 8:26 AM


Welcome to the Magix user to user forums.

Which program works correctly? Video Pro X14, which the OP is writing about is actually version 20 so version 14 which you mention is now very old if you are talking about VPX.

Forum Moderator

Last changed by emmrecs on 2/27/2023, 8:27 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

johnebaker wrote on 2/27/2023, 8:56 AM

@Liviu-Tatan, @emmrecs


. . . . . . . .

That is Video Pro X7 and was the first version to support hardware-accelerated encoding which will not work with the RTX 4070 as VPX 7 does not support NVENC for hardware acceleration. It would be using the Intel iGPU the UHD Graphics 750.

VPX 14 does support NVENC and can use the RTX 4070 however the RTX drivers must be up to date, the latest version is 528.49, and the RTX should selected in the Settings, Device options tab, Import, Processing and Export options.

John EB
Forum Moderator

VPX 16, Movie Studio 2025, and earlier versions 2015 and 2016, Music Maker Premium 2024.

PC - running Windows 11 23H2 Professional on Intel i7-8700K 3.2 GHz, 16GB RAM, RTX 2060 6GB 192-bit GDDR6, 1 x 1Tb Sabrent NVME SSD (OS and programs), 2 x 4TB (Data) internal HDD + 1TB internal SSD (Work disc), + 6 ext backup HDDs.

Laptop - Lenovo Legion 5i Phantom - running Windows 11 23H2 on Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB DDR4-SDRAM, 512GB SSD, 43.9 cm screen Full HD 1920 x 1080, Intel UHD 630 iGPU and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB GDDR6)

Sony FDR-AX53e Video camera, DJI Osmo Action 3 and Sony HDR-AS30V Sports cams.