Video not recording

SJenks wrote on 7/4/2009, 9:52 AM
New user.  Attempting to record video to edit.  Program finds my Canon HDV
camera.  Accept default settings and record entire tape.  Magix screen shows
counter moving.  Video is displayed on both camera and in Magix video viewer.  Video finishes.  Screen indicates nothing recorded.  Closing capture screen receive message that indicates avi file cannot be found.


asoeli wrote on 7/4/2009, 2:14 PM
I don't know HDV, but do you expect to find an AVI-file from that camera? I guess it could be an MPG or other compressed file with a different name.
Try to record a few minutes again, with a special name, for instance "sjenks". Then it is easy to find all occurrences of that name on your PC.