
Man o' Lakes wrote on 5/27/2010, 4:29 AM
Hi Paul,

ain't that the truth. No seriously, it's not that bad, you gotta do it via

You can fill the tech request with n/a cos' all you want is the price.


M o' L
nihon94 wrote on 5/28/2010, 5:41 AM

I can understand your frustration, actually this is a place where user like you and me share our knowledge. That is why some time we could not get proper answer. Therefore, when I ask question here I also post a question to Magix customer support. Usually customer support reply soon or with in a week or two.
You should go to

if you use US site. Login or get register, then submit a ticket. You will have to fill in some details like school exam(don't get angry) if you want best answer then ask question in detail and explain what you want.

My friendly advise, when you ask question here also contact customer support.
Who knows maybe someone here could answer you properly if not then you will get reply from customer support.

Thank you
Man o' Lakes wrote on 5/31/2010, 4:29 AM
Hi Paul,
actually the link I included made it much easier. Either way, make sure you go to the US site if yours is a US product. Otherwise, change your country via the Flag at the top right, you'll be surprised at the different options.

When asked different things, you unfortunately get the Support questions as well, however, this info can them provide you with specific sales advice. If unsure, n/a in the blank will do it too.


M o' L
paulhillier1 wrote on 5/31/2010, 4:38 AM
thanks guy I am in New Zealand, so which country do I go to. THere is a Australian site know but seems to redirect me to either UK or US site.
nihon94 wrote on 5/31/2010, 11:01 AM

Further to your question about
I am in New Zealand, so which country do I go to?

I am in Japan, I use Magix US often but in some cases if I want to buy some thing I have to go to Magix UK. However, I can ask customer support either in US or UK but it will be wise to contact where we have registered product that will save time, or as in your case why not ask both if you can or better try UK.

It is ok to try Magix UK but do not ask your question with Queen Elizabeth she might be busy on Youtube. Oh just kidding.

Thank you