Vegas Pro 12 sceen save dose not work

tfi2397856 wrote on 2/5/2017, 10:44 AM

When I open Vegas pro 12 it open in a small size compared to the monitor. Not full size covering the screen. I then have to click on the upper right corner re size button which then makes it smaller then click on it again and then it fills the screen but not properly. The top tool bar with all the edit, view and other choices is cut in half. If I did not know what was where I would be lost clicking up there. Any ideas?

PS; I tried saving screen layouts. That does not seem to work either. I never had this problem before. It does the same on a number of computers not just one including my Surface pro 3.

Thank you for any help you might offer.



wabu wrote on 2/5/2017, 10:58 AM

Please go here:

wabu ...............der nie auslernt

Der Rechner  Installierter physischer Speicher (RAM) 32,0 GB / Prozessor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3600 MHz, 8 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en),

Intel® UHD Graphics 630 aktiviert

NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1650 HDMI ; 2x DVI ; VGA, PCIe

Samsung (SSD) HD103SJ F3 1 TB Sata 7200 / 2x LG GH22NS SATA schwarz

Betriebsystem Microsoft Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.18362 Build 22H2

geschnitten wird seit 2007 mit Magix immer aktuell VdL und ProX

gefilmt mit Panasonic SDT 750 und FZ 1000 sowie Pentax K30 (Mist) und SJ 1000 und Hero7, dazu die Pocket und die Insta 360 X4 und die Mini 3

fotografiert mit Pentax K10 und K30 (Super)/Sigma 10-20 und 18-200; Fisheye und 500mm Spiegeltele

Mein Kanal: youtube

tfi2397856 wrote on 2/5/2017, 10:03 PM

I search the post there but found nothing concerning these issues I am having. Thank you for the help anyway. It was very considerate of you.

