
cpc000cpc wrote on 8/6/2011, 6:39 PM


The easiest (because most of the operations are just like PhotoStory) might be to download the free trial version of Magix Movie edit Pro 17+ which has a very easy change speed function. There you can use either the 'Effects' tab >> 'Video effects' >> 'Speed' or use the stretch mouse when viewing in timeline mode. I presume you would first export your video from PhotoStory, bring that into MEP, and then make cuts to isolate the sections where you want to change the speed. Then export back to Photostory or use MEP to burn your DVD -- you might decide it is a more versatile program.



misterdunc wrote on 8/8/2011, 4:59 AM

Hey thanks Carl Much appreciated. Next Time I shall do that . What I did do was to be brutal with my edits of the normal speed footage ( looking at cuts by frames rather than seconds then i applied the fade in approach for each edited slice - this gave the illusions of my subjects ghosting from one transition to the next and hence the illusion of slipping through time quickly.

I am finding the many functions of Photostory very very helpful esp the abibility to use the multi track but maybe it is time to move to MEP ? But I also love the speed of Video easy HD :-)
