Using PhotoStory on CD & DVD 10 Deluxe. Music stopped playing.

landjalston wrote on 10/29/2012, 6:14 AM

"Hello, I am using PhotoStory on CD & DVD 10 Deluxe. I have placed photos in slide show and added music. Last night all was working fine. This morning I added background to my photos. Once entered I played the slideshow and their is now sound to the music. I hear the hissing sound but the music is not playing. I deleted the first song and re-entered the music but still no sound. 

Operating System is Windows 7

Does anyone have a possible solution?

Thank you


john-auvil wrote on 10/29/2012, 9:52 AM

To me, it sounds like the project might have been corrupted. 

As  test, build a new project, using some of the same things you have in the original and see if the music does not play or the same hissing sound is heard.

landjalston wrote on 10/29/2012, 12:32 PM

Thank you for answering my question. I opened a new project and applied the music and it played just fine.

Is there a way for me to copy and paste my slideshow and transitions to the new project? f not, does this mean I

will have to build my slideshow all over again?

Thank you



john-auvil wrote on 10/30/2012, 8:42 AM

If it were me, I would rebuild it, simply because something (and I suspect the background you added) has caused the project to have a hidden audio track or a ghost remnant of audio, which is creating the hissing. I do not know of any way to remove that because it is not seen within the project.

I suppose that you could export that project (the audio corrupt one) out as a video file (highest quality and ratio recommended), then import it (the video you exported) into a new project, separate the audio for that video and delete that audio... but that would mean you cannot make any other changes to the photos that were used (in the video file that was exported.

The real issue here is trying to determine what caused this issue, I suspect it was the background, or some other element that was added that had its own embedded audio track. This embedded audio combined with the music track and both sound at once might have played. It might have been there, if you deleted the background or added in a third element with audio that causes all the audio to turn to a static sound. This is unlikely, but plausible. 

To me, as painstaking as it is to recreate the project, I still would. In fact, how I create slideshows is a bit different. I actually import all the pictures I am going to use (although, I end up adding and deleting some before the project is completed), then I rearrange them in the order I want. Once I have done this, I save the project as <project name - arrange>.

I then take that project and add in effects, transitions (fades) or edit each picture as-well-as any text I might use. This project I will save as; <project name - edit>.

I have one final project, where I add in audio (usually narration on my part) that requires me to have the finished product to view as I record the voice track. This I save as <project name - final>

This method of working is not something I think that needs to be done, but sometimes my projects start in say March, and I eventually finish them in January... so, having these steps helps me determine where I left off, where I need to continue. It also gives me the ability to use the same photos in a whole new project if need be.

The project files themselves hardly take up disk space on the hard drive, since I am not replicating the photos, only the project, which just keeps the location markers of where the photos or videos where found when they were initially imported into the project. This is why it is important that you do not move any videos or photos once they have been used in a project.

Hopefully, I didn't go overboard with a reply :)