
siglersmalz wrote on 7/30/2009, 12:39 AM
This sounds like a tricky one.  My first question is about your hardware.  MEP requires pretty beefy hardware.  Dual-core, 3 Gigs RAM, beefy graphics adapter (external), etc.  The more beefy, the better.

Since you are exporting a 30 minute movie, your PC might just be getting stretched past it's resources.  You can monitor your PC using Window's Performance Monitor (Start - Run - perfmon).

Monitor your PC using perfmon while exporting to see if your CPU is pegged at 100%.

Another thing to think about is where in the movie the problems happen.  Do they happen in the same place every time you export or is it random.  What is going on in the movie project at those problem points.

When I first tried to use MEP, I had a way under powered laptop and when I exported, it would freak out wherever I had put cross-fades or other special effects in my movie project.

Hope this helps get you on the road to figuring out a solution.
siglersmalz wrote on 8/12/2009, 1:52 AM
That is a stumper.  I'm trying to think of questions that might get you moving forward.  I guess the first question is what version of MEP are you using and if it's older than the recently version 15, do you have the latest patch installed for that version?

I'm also wondering what video format your video clips are?  You might try to export them as mpeg or perhaps the Magix format (mxv) and use those exported clips rather than the originals.  I've had a really bad history with AVI format and avoid it like the plague.  I also use a different program called TuneBite to change file formats.

I can't think of anything else to suggest right now.